 alias mp3stats {
  set %wild.card $$1-
  set %all.mp3s $findfile(%mp3.dir,*.mp3,0)
  set $findfile(%mp3.dir,* $+ %wild.card $+ *,0)
  set %wild.percent1 $calc( / %all.mp3s)
  set %wild.percent.complete $calc(%wild.percent1 * 100)
  say total of mp3s containing the string " $+ %wild.card $+ " which makes it $round(%wild.percent.complete,2) $+ $chr(37) of my %all.mp3s mp3s

This alias is quite handy for checking how many mp3's you have of a certain criteria, ie:

total of 77 mp3s containing the string "prodigy" which makes it 2.52% of my 3050 mp3s

when i added the * wildcard in i got this

total of 3337 mp3s containing the string "*" which makes it 109.41% of my 3050 mp3s
any idea what's wrong? thanks in advance.