alias {
  set -u0 %i 1
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    set -u0 %j 1
    while (%j <= $nick($chan(%i),0)) {
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isreg $chan(%i)) { cline %cnl.reg $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isvo $chan(%i)) { cline -m %cnl.voice $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) ishelp $chan(%i)) { cline -m $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isop $chan(%i)) { cline -m %cnl.op $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) == $me) { cline -m $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isnotify) { cline %cnl.notify $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) $+ !*@* isignore) { cline %cnl.ignore $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if $istok(%specialnicks,$nick($chan,%j),32) == $true {
        cline -m  $+(%,cnlcolor.,$nick($chan,%j)) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) 
      inc %j
    inc %i

all of the things work but that last one ..... im trying to get it to change with the cline command and it just keeps them thier regular colorskinda giving me a migrain tryin to figure this one out...... i echoed that same command back to me and it shows all the correct variables filled in when i type / but its still not changing the colors ...... i put it last cause i figured that would be the last one it would call to hoping its not resetting things but still no luck .. even commented out all the other if statements and still wont run the cline command right ...... its running an echo when it returns a true result ..... just not the cline command anyhow id really appreciate the help with figuring this lil thing out

EDIT: shortened the long line to better fit the forum.

Last edited by Hammer; 09/03/03 11:27 PM.