I hope this code will solve the problem:
dialog OperView {
  title "Oper View"
  size -1 -1 630 420
  option dbu
  tab "Clients", 1, 5 5 620 410
  list 11, 10 20 610 395, tab 1
  tab "Oper View", 5
  list 51, 10 20 610 395, tab 5
  tab "Kills", 2
  list 21, 10 20 610 395, tab 2
  tab "Whois", 3
  list 31, 10 20 610 395, tab 3
  tab "xLine", 4
  list 41, 10 20 610 395, tab 4
  button "OK/Save", 100, 5 5 35 10, hide default ok
on *:DIALOG:OperView:init:0:{
  ;*** Save and clear dialog list items every 1 hour ***
  .timerOVSave 0 $calc(60 * 60) OVsave
on *:DIALOG:OperView:close:0:{
  ;*** Stop saving timer if dialog is closed ***
  .timerOVSave off
menu * {
  &OperView : dialog $iif(!$dialog(OperView),-mid,-ev) OperView OperView
on *:CONNECT:{
  if ($server == Matrix.Maximum-IRC.org) {
on *:START:{ dialog $iif(!$dialog(OperView),-mid,-e) OperView OperView }
on ^*:SNOTICE:*:OVsnotice $1-
alias OVsnotice {
  if (!$dialog(OperView)) return
  var %notice = client kill whois xline operview
  var %a = 0, %b = $numtok(%notice,32)
  while (%a < %b) {
    inc %a
    if ($wildtok($1-,$+(*,$gettok(%notice,%a,32),*),0,32)) {
      if ($hget(OperView,~logging)) {
        hinc OperView ~log.id 1
        hadd OperView $+(store.,$hget(OperView,~log.id)) $calc((10 * %a) + 1) $timestamp $1-
      else { did -a OperView $calc((10 * %a) + 1) $timestamp $1- }
alias OVsave {
  if (!$dialog(operview)) return
  if ($hget(OperView,~logging)) {
    echo -at Already saving logs. Try again later.
  ;*** Create storage hash table ***
  if ($hget(OperView)) hdel OperView
  hmake OperView 5
  ;*** Set switch to indicate we are busy ***
  hadd OperView ~log.id 0
  hadd OperView ~logging 1
  .timerOV 1 10 hfree -s OperView
  ;*** Save each dialog list item to the appropriate file ***
  var %d = $date(dd-mm-yyyy), %c = 0, %cc = 5, %i = 0
  ;** Prefixes for files **
  var %fn = clients,kills,whois,xline,operview
  while (%c < %cc) {
    inc %c
    %i = $calc((%c * 10) + 1)
    filter -if Operview %i $+(OV.,$gettok(%fn,%c,44),.,%d,.txt) *
    did -r OperView %i
    ;######## These lines simulate snotices that were ##########
    ;######## received while the logs were being written #######
    OVsnotice blah blah client blah blah %c
    OVsnotice blah blah kill blah blah %c
    OVsnotice blah blah whois blah blah %c
    OVsnotice blah blah xline blah blah %c
    OVsnotice blah blah operview blah blah %c
  ;*** Write stored snotices to dialog ***
  var %c = 0, %cc = $hget(OperView,~log.id)
  while (%c < %cc) {
    inc %c
    did -a OperView $hget(OperView,$+(store.,%c))
  ;*** Delete storage hash table ***
  hfree OperView
  .timerOV off
;################ Test aliases #################
alias OVtest {
  dialog $iif(!$dialog(OperView),-mid,-e) OperView OperView
  OVsnotice this is a client test line 11
  OVsnotice this is a client test line 12
  OVsnotice this is a client test line 13
  OVsnotice this is a client test line 14
  OVsnotice this is a client test line 15
  OVsnotice this is a kill test line 21
  OVsnotice this is a kill test line 22
  OVsnotice this is a kill test line 23
  OVsnotice this is a kill test line 24
  OVsnotice this is a kill test line 25
  OVsnotice this is a whois test line 31
  OVsnotice this is a whois test line 32
  OVsnotice this is a whois test line 33
  OVsnotice this is a whois test line 34
  OVsnotice this is a whois test line 35
  OVsnotice this is a xline test line 41
  OVsnotice this is a xline test line 42
  OVsnotice this is a xline test line 43
  OVsnotice this is a xline test line 44
  OVsnotice this is a xline test line 45
  OVsnotice this is a operview test line 51
  OVsnotice this is a operview test line 52
  OVsnotice this is a operview test line 53
  OVsnotice this is a operview test line 54
  OVsnotice this is a operview test line 55

When the command is given to save the log files, a switch is set to indicate that it is in process. That switch is checked in the snotice event (/OVsnotice alias) and if the switch is set, the snotices are stored in a hash table until the saving is complete. After all the dialog list items have been saved and cleared, the snotices stored in the hash table are transferred to the dialog list items. That way, nothing is missed. Since the dialogs list items are cleared after being saved, the /OVsave alias can be called at any time.

I made a timer start when the dialog is opened. It calls the save alias every hour. This can be changed to whatever length of time you desire. The timer is automatically stopped when the dialog is closed.

You can write test lines to the dialog by using the /OVtest command. It sends lines through the /OVsnotice alias which parses the lines into the appropriate dialog list item. To test the saving command, just type /OVsave . The /OVsave command has some test lines in it that simulate snotices that were received while the logs are being saved. After running the /OVsave alias, you will notice the existing lines are gone, and the new test lines were saved in the hash and then loaded into the dialog automatically.

Any questions, just ask.
