Me and a few other people get a bug where when using $* in an eval script gives `~$*. This happened in 6.16 and still happens in 6.17. I havn't investigated this further than using 2 eval scripts but these are what i used:
; in a channel type [b]/e $me $*[/b]
alias e {
  var %ticks $tick
  say $+([,$($1-,1),]) == $+([,$iif($($1-,2),$v1,$!null),]) ( $+ $calc($ticks - %ticks) $+ ms)

; in a channel type [b]$me $*[/b]
on *:INPUT:#:{
  if (($left($1,1) == $) || ($left($1,1) == %)) && ($ctrlenter != $true)  {
    var %ticks $ticks
    say $+([,$1-,]) == $+([,$iif($eval($1-,2) == $null,Invalid,$v1),]) $+($chr(40),$calc($ticks - %ticks),ms,$chr(41))

Edit: un-piped code

Last edited by poiuy_qwert; 22/02/06 01:34 AM.

- poiuy_qwert