Indeed it is a lot and there is also a lot wrong with it! For instance (I overlooked that one at first) you use in de fix alias: "var %badtok = %badtok + 1" . This should be "inc %badtok". This will fix the 0 badtoks you get. The extra comma's are probably caused by statements like "set %join.newnick $chr(44) $+ $nick %join.time" were you insert a comma yourself. I advise you to read the helpfile carefully. Search for "$addtok", that makes life a lot easier. By the way, you call aliases with "$fixfile(param1,param2)". Normally you should use that format if you want to return something from that alias, like "var %x = $fixfile(param1,param2)". If you don't want to return a value you should use "fixfile param1 param2".

O, I almost forgot, there is some other thing I overlooked. You must add "$+" after "write -l": "write -l $+ %entry C:\mirc\nicks.txt %newline %newstuff"

Last edited by captain_comic; 17/01/06 02:47 PM.