create a file called "hello world.txt" (two spaces, in case the board eats them) in your mirc dir.

//echo -s $findfile($mircdir,hello*world.txt,1)
result is the filename with a single space

//echo -s $replace($findfile($mircdir,hello*world.txt,1),$str($chr(32),2),_SPACESPACE_)
result is the filename with the two spaces replaced by "_SPACESPACE_" - e.g. "hello_SPACESPACE_world.txt"

//echo -s $findfile($mircdir,hello*world.txt,1,echo -s -> $replace($1-,$str($chr(32),2),_SPACESPACE_))
result is the filename with a single space
I had expected $1- to contain the actual filename with spaces intact, so that the $replace would allow me to 'tag' it as being a filename with consecutive spaces. Apparently not.
