while I didn't test this, I made some changes toyour

alias away.off {
  if (%away = on) {
    /set %away off
    echo 5 -a Away is off.
    set %chan 1
    set %cnum $chan(0)      
    amsg $me is back.
    disable #autoback
  else {
    echo 5 -a away is already off.
alias away.on {
  if (%away = off) {
    set %away on
    echo 5 -a Away is on.
    set %chan 1
    set %cnum $chan(0)      
    amsg $me is away.
    enable #autoback
  else {
    echo 5 -a away is already on.   
on *:Connect: { 
  .timeraway 0 10 away.idle 
alias away.idle {
  if (($idle >= 600) && (%away != on)) {
menu channel {
  auto away 
  .auto back  
  ..on {
    if ($group(#autoback) == off) {
      enable #autoback
      echo 5 -a auto back is on
      elseif ($group(#autoback) == on) {
        echo 5 -a auto back is already on
  ..off {
    if ($group(#autoback) == on) {
      disable #autoback
      echo 5 -a auto back is off
      elseif ($group(#autoback) == off) {
        echo 5 -a auto back is already off
  .on { 
  .off {
#away on
on *:text:*:?:{
  if (%away == on) {
    msg $nick I'm currently away from the keyboard
    closemsg $nick 
#away end

#autoback on
on *:input:#:{
  if (%away = on) { 
#autoback end

I moved the #away group heading so it would conflict with the menu and controls if that group were off (what did you want it to do?)

also included the enable/disable to the aliases you have

removed the while loops to msg the channels and replaced with amsg which is a mIRC built in "message all channels"

see /help /amsg

Keep after it, eventually you will hve the script you want.