Hello i got a spam kick script so if someone advertise it bans them for 15 minutes then unbans them after 15minutes also. It also doesnt ban them if they are voice/opped. also if the word 'pug' is in the channe advertisement thats ok and if '5' and 'server' are in the line with a advertisement thats ok.
The prob is when people advertise with /me #channelname it doesnt ban them or if they use bold text or colours it also doesnt pick it up and ban them and i dont understand why. here is my script.

on @*:TEXT:*:#findscrim:{
var %x $0
var %i 1
While (%i <= %x) {
If (($left($eval($+($chr(36),%i),2),1) == $chr(35)) && ($len($eval($+($chr(36),%i),2)) > 1) && ($nick isreg #)) && (pug !isin $1-) && (5 !isin $1- && server !isin $1-) {
ban -ku900 $chan $nick 1 15 Minute Ban (No Advertising)
inc %i

any help appreciated. thanks