Alias Connect {
  .sockopen IRC 6667

  set %irc_chans #codestream, #hacking, #cStrike, #kaitnieks, #aryan-n00bs
[color:blue].sockwrite -n IRC NICK Hey_Bot[/color]
  .sockwrite -n IRC USER Hey localhost Bot :Hey Bots
  .sockwrite -n IRC msg identify Hey_bot %pass
  .sockwrite -n IRC JOIN %irc_chans

  .sockread %data
  tokenize 32 %data
  if ($1 == ping) .sockwrite -n irc pong $2
  if ($istok(%irc_chans,$3,44)) {
    if (* KICK $3 Hey_Bot * iswm %data) sockwrite -n IRC JOIN $3

on *:JOIN:#: {
  if (!$hget(hey_bot)) hmake hey_bot 10
  if (!$hget(hey_bot,$nick)) {
    .sockwrite -n IRC PRIVMSG $chan :Hey $nick $+ !
    hadd -cz hey_bot $nick 10
  if ($nick == You) ns ghost $nick %pass
  elseif {$nick == Mode) ns ghost $nick %pass 
  elseif ($nick == Owned) ns ghost $nick %pass

on *:TEXT:Hey:#: {
  .sockwrite -n IRC PRIVMSG $chan Hey $nick $+ ! How you doing? :)

I've altered a few things. Channels are stored in a variable for future checking. Using the JOIN command you're able to join more than one channel. Changed IF statements in the On Join event.

[*]Took out .sockwrite -n IRC NICK Hey_Bot accidently.