Alrighty, I'm working for a dialog to save the channels into a list, the list loads fine, no loops that cause mirc to freeze, just when you try to add something, it NEVER saves, and no errors record.
On Dialog
on *:dialog:cmd4options:7:sclick: {
  if ($did(cmd4options,6).text) {
    var %i 1
    while ($readini(cmd4vars.ini,chans,%i)) {
      inc %i
    writeini cmd4vars.ini chans %i $did(cmd4options,6,1).text
    did -r cmd4options 6
    did -a cmd4options 4 $readini(cmd4vars.ini,chans,%i)

Chunk of dialog
  list 4, 4 20 50 100, tab 1
  text "New Channel:", 5, 4 115 35 10, tab 1
  edit "#", 6, 39 114 50 9, tab 1 autohs
  button "Add", 7, 91 114 20 9, tab 1
  button "Remove", 8, 56 20 25 9, tab 1

If someone could help I would greatly appreciate it grin

Last edited by benjy355; 18/11/05 05:29 AM.

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