
alias vote {
  if ($active ischan) {
    if ($hget(vote)) hfree vote | hmake vote 10
    tokenize 35 $1-
    if ($1 == on) {
      if ($2 isnum) {
        if ($3) {
          .enable #vote
          set %vote.chan $active
          set %vote.t $2
          set %vote.q $3-
          msg $active Vote is now on $+($chr(40),$3-,$chr(41))
          msg $active You have $duration($2) to answer.
          msg $active PM me with !vote <Your vote>
          if ($timer(vote)) {
            .timervote off
          .timervote 1 $2 voteoff
    if ($1 == off) {

alias voteoff {
  msg %vote.chan Vote is now off $+($chr(40),%vote.q,$chr(41))
  if ($hget(vote,0).item > 0) {
    msg %vote.chan here is the results..
    var %x = $hget(vote,0).item
    while (%x) {
      msg %vote.chan $hget(vote,%x).item casted vote: $hget(vote,%x).data
      dec %x
  else { msg %vote.chan No one voted.. }
#vote on
On *:Text:!vote &:?: {
  if (%vote.t) {
    if (!$hget(vote)) hmake vote 10
    if (!$hget(vote,$nick)) {
      hadd vote $nick $replace($2,$chr(32),$chr(95))
      msg $nick Your vote $+($chr(40),$2,$chr(41)) has been cast.
    else { msg $nick You voted already. }
  else { msg $nick Vote no longer on. }
#vote end

To start it type:
/vote on#<Time Limit>#<Question>
Example: /vote on#60#Which came first the chicken or the egg?

It will look something like:

[12:59] <Andy> Vote is now on (Which came first the chicken or the egg?)
[12:59] <Andy> You have 1min to answer.
[12:59] <Andy> PM me with !vote <Your vote>

Then private message the bot with !vote <Yes|No|Maybe|Who cares> etc..

Alternatively, click search at the top there'll be alot of vote scripts in the past expand your search to 5 years and browse scripts&popups forum. smile
