Since you want to finish it, I won't put it into the code, but will just give you an example... If you decide you want me to put it into the code, just let me know. laugh

I'll use $me instead of %nick so that you can just type this in a channel/query and see the output:

//echo -a 04 $+ $left($me,1) $+ 07 $+ $right($me,-1)


This will display N letters starting from the left. So, N=1 will make it display the first letter. We set the color for that letter as shown above.

$+ will connect two pieces together so there aren't any spaces added.


This works the same was as $left, but from the right instead. By using N=-1, it will display all letters from the right except the "last" letter. Since we are going from the right, the last letter is the first letter of the nick. N=-2 would return all but the first 2 letters of the nick. If you used a negative N for left, it would display all letters except the final letter(s) in the word.

You should be able to edit that line to use %nick and then insert that in the 2 $replacex sections. If you have problems doing it yourself, let me know and I'll give you the code for it.

As a hint, only change what is after 09 in those two lines. Don't change any other %nick information.

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