Well, here is what me and a friend were able to come up with:
on *:SOCKREAD:spelling.*: {
  var %d, %link, %info
  sockread %d
  if (%d == $null) { return }
  if (<h2 style="margin-bottom: 2em;">*entr*found for <i>*</i>.</h2> iswm %d) { 
    if ($gettok($gettok(%d,3,32),2,62) isnum) {
      msg %spell.chan $remove($sockname,spelling.) is correct 
    elseif ($gettok($gettok(%d,3,32),2,62) == No) { msg %spell.chan $remove($sockname,spelling.) is incorrect }
  if (<p>Did you mean <a href="*">*</a>?</p>* iswm %d) if ($regex(%d,/Did\syou\smean\s\<a[^\>]*\>([^\<]*)\<\/a\>/)) msg %spell.chan Did you mean: $regml(1) $+ ?
But does anyone know a way to get the "Did you mean: blah?" on the same line as "Blah is incorrect" ????

-- HAMM3R (aka: alhammer)