Don't complain when you are given help or you may not get help from many people...

That script is actually not very complicated...

on 1:text:!battlefield:#:{

I assume you know what that line does.

.remove __temp

Removes the temp file by that name. Although, this is a duplicate with below and not needed.

.echo -q $findfile(.,=*,0,write __temp $mid($1-,2))

This is probably where you have questions...

echo -q will echo the total files found and allow the command to run.

$findfile is used to find files as the name implies. Within the ()'s, the first item is the directory. If you're searching your $mircdir, you can use "." there as shown above. Next, what are you looking for? Files beginning with =... so =* (wildcard) is used. Next, is the depth of subdirectories to search. 0 is used to show to only search in the $mircdir for files matching =*. Finally, what is done when a file is found... write to a temp file $mid($1-,2).

$mid($1-,2) would display the data without the first 2 characters. There IS a small problem with this... it should be $mid($nopath($1-),1) so that the path is gone and then it would display everything but the first character (=).

play $chan __temp 1000

This will play the temp file with 1 line per 1 second. If you want the data sent in some other fashion, just use the temp file however you want to.

.remove __temp

As above, this will remove the temp file now that the script is completed.


And, of course, this is needed at the end. laugh

Anyhow, here's an updated script for you:

on 1:text:!battlefield:#:{
  .echo -q $findfile(.,=*,0,write __temp $mid($nopath($1-),1))
  play $chan __temp 1000
  .remove __temp

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