Thanks everyone for your imput. My main idea for this script was to track ops who didn't show up in my channel. now I created a script that tracks the ops an who oped them and the time they were opped and adds then nick to a mirc auto op. I like the idea of over writing the last time the op came into the channel to maintain a current list. It helps when running a large channel to track ops who never come to a channel.

menu @Ops {
Auto Add Autoop %auto.op :{ if ( %auto.op == ON ) { set %auto.op OFF | /.auto OFF | /echo 1 »14»15» 12 Auto Ops 4OFF.... } | else { set %auto.op ON | /.auto ON | /echo 1 »14»15» 12 Auto Ops 4ON.... } | { Halt } }
Ops List:/run op.txt
Clear:/clear @Ops
Close:/window -c @Ops
ON *:OP:#Mpglovers: {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= $lines(op.txt)) {
if ($opnick !isin $read(op.txt,%i)) { inc %i }
else { return }
if ($window(@Ops) == $null) { //window -el @Ops }
aline @Ops 2Op3 ->12 $opnick 2-5 $asctime(ddd mmm d hh:nn:ssTT) 2-4 $nick
write op.txt $opnick - $asctime(ddd mmm d hh:nn:ssTT) - $nick
if (( %auto.op == ON ) && ( $nick == Chanserv )) { /auto $opnick # 1 }

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....