Yeah, you don't speak english. smile

Also agree, with bamaboy1217, Treeview and listview are essential. And a more "mIRC way" of doing it is like this...
dialog [-l] name {
  ; pre-stuff
  listview	id, columns, x y w h, style  (options)
  treeview     id, x y w h, style (options)
;for listview: /didline -rad $dname $did token [ item + token + item, etc... ]
;for treeview: /didline -rad $dname $did "location" Text
;Options: -r: replace, -a: add, -d: delete
;"location" == simular to MDX "0 1 4 2" (in quotes)....

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 30/06/05 04:53 AM.