Put this popup code in your channel popups (Alt-P / View / 2. Channel)

Random Multi-Slap:{
  var %nicklist                           | [color:#006600]; %max different random nicks [/color]
  var %string                             | [color:#006600]; Output string[/color]
  var %max = 10                           | [color:#006600]; Start by assuming 5 slaps (times 2 nicks per slap)[/color]
  var %nicks = $calc($nick($chan,0) - 1)  | [color:#006600]; Total nicks (minus $me)[/color]
  ;  Correct %max if there are less than 11 nicks in the channel
  if %max > %nicks var %max = $calc($int($calc(%nicks / 2)) * 2)
  ;  Build the random nicklist
  while $numtok(%nicklist, 32) < %max {
    ;  Get the next random nick
    var %nick = $nick($chan, $rand(1, %nicks))
    ;  Make sure we're not adding ourselves
    if (%nick != $me) var %nicklist = $addtok(%nicklist, %nick, 32)
  ;  Build the output string
  while $gettok(%nicklist, 1-2, 32) != $null {
    ;  Save the two nicks we're working with
    var %2 = $ifmatch
    ;  If we reach the end of the %nicklist, substitute "and " for the delimiting ", " and 
    ;  append a "." to terminate the string.
    if ($numtok(%nicklist, 32) == 2) $&
      %string = %string and $gettok(%2, 1, 32) with a large $gettok(%2, 2, 32)
    ;  Otherwise, just delimit each string addition with a ", ".
    else $&
      %string = %string $+ , $gettok(%2, 1, 32) with a large $gettok(%2, 2, 32)
    ;  Delete these two nicks from the %nicklist
    %nicklist = $deltok(%nicklist, 1-2, 32)
  ;  Perform the slap, chopping off the initial ", " in the process.
  describe $chan slaps $right(%string, -2)

* Mike` slaps rickcp with a large Hrung, tomalak16 with a large J-P, AmOserver with a large CyRus\\, d00dman with a large Drewb9805 and Force with a large Bekar.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C