Help again!!!!

I made an attack section, and when someone with a Strike of say 100,000,000 attacks someone with a defense of 1,000, the attacker makes an unbelievable ammount of gold, example 3,000,000,000, and the defender only has around 20,000 gold. It gives the attacker all 3,000,000,000 gold, and only takes away 3/4's of the defenders gold. I am so lost.

on *:TEXT:!attack*:*: {
  if ($2 == $null) { /msg $nick Please type !attack <nick> to attack someone | .halt
  if ($2 != $null) && ( $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) == $null) { /msg $nick Please attack someone that has gold. | .halt
  if ($2 != $null) && ( $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) != $null) {
    /msg $nick Attacking $2
    var %attack = $readini( $nick $+ .ini, THINGS, strike)
    var %defense = $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, defense)
    var %result = $calc( %attack - %defense )
  if ( %result > 0 ) {
    var %loot = $round( $calc( $readini( $nick $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) + $calc( $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) * .75 )) , 0)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini THINGS gold %loot
    writeini $2 $+ .ini THINGS gold $round( $calc( $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) - $calc( $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) * .75 )) , 0)
    msg $nick You Won  $bytes( %loot , b )  !
  elseif ( %result <= 0 ) { msg $nick You Lost. }