You can try this

 on me:*:JOIN:[color:red]#CHANNEL[/color]: $+(.timercheck,.,$cid,.,$chan) 0 [color:red]20[/color] if ( $me isop $chan ) wscan $chan 

alias wscan { 
  if ( !%scan.chan ) set %scan.chan $1 
  if ( !%scan.nick ) set %scan.nick 0 
  inc %scan.nick 
  if ( $nick(%scan.chan,%scan.nick) ) { 
    .enable #scanr 
    whois $v1 
  else unset %scan* 

#scanr off
raw 301:*: halt 
raw 311:*: halt 
raw 313:*: halt 
raw 312:*: halt 
raw 330:*: halt 
raw 319:*: { 
  if ($me isop %scan.chan) && ([color:red]#BADCHANNEL[/color] isin $3-) { ban -k %scan.chan $2 2 Bad Channel Detected }
raw 318:*: .disable #scanr | wscan | halt
#scanr end 

It sets a timer when you join the specified channel, checks every 20 seconds if you are an op or not then activates the alias to check every user in the channel if they are in the specified bad channel.

**Change the values of those in red

If you have a plastic floor runner over your tiles, then you're one Hella Pinoy!