i have a tick tack toe script (i didn't make it) but heres the code
; Tick Tack Toe mIRC Script 
; use /ttt to star
; QuickStep © mknobbout@gmail.com
alias ttt {
  if (!$window($ww)) .window -pCBdok +t $ww 0 0 305 330
  .clear $ww
  if ($hget(ttt)) hfree ttt 
  hmake ttt 100

  ; Default settings, do not change this
  hadd ttt user_turn 1
  hadd ttt moves 0
  hadd ttt user_shape 1

  ; Decide who's turn it is
  if (!%yourturn) {
    echo -s Computer's turn to start
    set %yourturn 1
    hadd ttt user_turn 1
    computer_AI 0 0
  else {
    echo -s Your turn to start
    unset %yourturn

menu @Tick* {
    if ($hget(ttt,user_turn)) {
      var %x = $int($calc(($mouse.x / 100) + 1)), %y = $int($calc(($mouse.y / 100) + 1))
      if (!$getmove(%x,%y)) {
        drawmove %x %y $hget(ttt,user_shape)
        hadd ttt user_turn 0

        ;User made a move, now its time for the computer
        computer_AI %x %y
  Restart:{ .hfree ttt | ttt }
  Exit:{ .hfree ttt | window -c $ww }
  Copyright:echo -s QuickStep © mknobbout@gmail.com
alias endgame {
  echo -s $iif($$1 = $hget(ttt,user_shape), You,  $iif($$1 = 0, Nobody, The Computer))) = winner!

alias -l computer_AI {
  ; The computer must now check what the best move is (users last move is $1,$2 , this is not used in this event atm though)

  var %shape = $iif($hget(ttt,user_shape) = 1,2,1)

  ; This smalll block of code will do the following: first check if computer can make a win,
  ; then check if a user can make a win, and make the propper (counter) move
  var %d = 2
  while (%d >= 1) {
    var %a = 1
    while (%a <= 8) {
      if (($countmove(%a,%d) = 2) && ($countmove(%a,$iif(%d = 2,1,2)) != 1))  {
        var %b = $suggestmove(%a), %x = $gettok(%b,1,46), %y = $gettok(%b,2,46)
        drawmove %x %y %shape
        goto end
      inc %a
    dec %d

  ; The following small block of code will do the following: check if the computer can make an offensive move

  var %a = 1
  while (%a <= 8) {
    if (($countmove(%a,2) = 1) && ($countmove(%a,1) = $null))  {
      var %b = $suggestmove(%a), %x = $gettok(%b,1,46), %y = $gettok(%b,2,46)
      drawmove %x %y %shape
      goto end
    inc %a

  ;Make a random move finally, if nothing worked, the use of goto because there is no DO ... WHILE loop in mIRC
  var %x = $rand(1,3), %y = $rand(1,3)
  if ($getmove(%x,%y)) goto again
  drawmove %x %y %shape

  :end | hadd ttt user_turn 1
alias -l drawfield {
  drawline $ww 1 1 0 100 300 100
  drawline $ww 1 1 0 200 300 200
  drawline $ww 1 1 100 0 100 300
  drawline $ww 1 1 200 0 200 300
alias -l drawmove {
  var %w = $calc(($1 - 1) * 100), %h = $calc(($2  - 1) * 100), %type = $$3
  if (%type = 1) {
    ; Draw a square
    drawrect $ww 2 2 $calc(10 + %w) $calc(10 + %h) 80 80
  if (%type = 2) {
    ; Draw a triangle
    drawline $ww 4 2 $calc(10 + %w) $calc(90 + %h) $calc(50 + %w) $calc(10 + %h) $&
      $calc(90 + %w) $calc(90 + %h) $calc(10 + %w) $calc(90 + %h)
  ; Toevoegen aan hash  
  hadd ttt $+($1,$chr(46),$2) $3

  ; Check if there is a winner
  var %a = 1
  while (%a <= 8) {
    if (($countmove(%a,1) = 3) || ($countmove(%a,2) = 3)) {

      ; And we have a winner

      hadd ttt user_turn 0
      var %x = $gettok($gettok($getline(%a),1,59),1,58), %y = $gettok($gettok($getline(%a),3,59),1,58)
      drawline $ww 1 5 $calc(($gettok(%x,1,46) * 100) - 50) $calc(($gettok(%x,2,46) * 100) - 50) $&
        $calc(($gettok(%y,1,46) * 100) - 50) $calc(($gettok(%y,2,46) * 100) - 50)
      endgame $iif($countmove(%a,1) = 3, 1, 2)
    inc %a
  hinc ttt moves | if ($hget(ttt,moves) >= 9) endgame 0
alias -l getline {
  ; Returns line info in the following format: "x.y:input;x.y:input;x.y:input" (because mIRC does not support arrays)
  if ($$1 <= 3) { var %x = 1, %y = $$1, %c1 = 1, %c2 = 0 }
  elseif ($1 <= 6) { var %x = $iif(!$calc($$1 % 3), 3, $calc($$1 % 3)), %y = 1, %c1 = 0, %c2 = 1 }
  elseif ($1 == 7) { var %x = 1, %y = 1, %c1 = 1, %c2 = 1 }
  elseif ($1 == 8) { var %x = 1, %y = 3, %c1 = 1, %c2 = 2 }
  var %a = 1, %b
  while (%a <= 3) {
    %b = $+(%b,%x,$chr(46),%y,$chr(58),$hget(ttt,$+(%x,$chr(46),%y)),$chr(59))
    if (%c1) $iif(%c1 = 1,inc %x, dec %x) |  if (%c2) $iif(%c2 = 1,inc %y, dec %y)
    inc %a
  return %b
alias -l getmove return $hget(ttt,$+($1,$chr(46),$$2))
alias countmove {
  ; This functions counts the instances of a move from the given line
  var %a = $getline($$1), %b = 1, %c
  while (%b <= 3) {
    if ($gettok($gettok(%a,%b,59),2,58) = $$2) inc %c
    inc %b
  return %c
alias suggestmove {
  ; This function returns a suggested random move from the given line, in the format x.y
  var %a = $getline($$1), %b = 1, %c, %d
  while (%b <= 3) {
    %d = $gettok($gettok(%a,%b,59),2,58)
    if (!%d) %c = $+(%c,$chr(59),$gettok($gettok(%a,%b,59),1,58))
    inc %b
  return $gettok(%c,$rand(1,$numtok(%c,59)),59)
alias -l ww return $replace(@Tick Tack Toe,$chr(32),$chr(160))

if you want can you please leave feed back thanks

and thats the way the scout leader burns