Well u need someones becuase you dont seem to know what your doing. Why ask here if you didnt want suggestions.

Lets check out what i suggested.

first $chan & $2 $+ 's

on *:TEXT:!infect *:#:{
  describe [color:blue]$chan[/color] is breacking the security of [color:blue]$2 $+ 's [/color] computer
  describe [color:blue]$chan[/color] has infected [color:blue]$2 $+ 's[/color] computer
  notice [color:blue]$chan[/color] 4[WARNING]: [color:blue]$2 $+ 's[/color] computer is infected 

Now to remove some lameness as well

on *:TEXT:!infect *:#:{
  if ((!$($+(%,infected.infector.,$nick),2)) && (!$($+(%,infected.infectie.,$2),2))) {
    if $nick($chan,$2) {
      describe $chan scanning $2 for infection.
      if ($($+(%,infected.gag.,$2),2)) {
         .timer 1 $rand(2,4) describe $chan infected $2 on $asctime($gettok($v1,1,32),dddd dd/mmm/yyyy @ h:nn:sstt) infection was caused by $gettok($v1,2,32) while on channel $gettok($v1,3,32)
      else {
        set -u15 $+(%,infected.infector.,$nick) $true
        set -u15 $+(%,infected.infectie.,$2) $true
        .timer 1 $rand(2,4) describe $chan begins the infection process on poor $2
        .timer 1 $rand(5,7) describe [color:blue]$chan[/color] is breaking the security of [color:blue]$2 $+ 's [/color] computer
        .timer 1 $rand(8,9) describe [color:blue]$chan[/color] has infected [color:blue]$2 $+ 's[/color] computer
        .timer 1 10 notice [color:blue]$chan[/color] 4[WARNING]: [color:blue]$2 $+ 's[/color] computer is infected.
        set $+(%,infected.gag.,$2) $ctime $nick $chan

* code is untested (basicly becuase i think its still pretty lame, but at least it looks mildly amusing now)

Last edited by DaveC; 11/05/05 03:58 AM.