The following two snippets, which are part of a larger script, seem to be conflicting with each other. When the command, that should activate the first snippet is used, the second one gets started.

 on *:text:!*list &:*:{ 
  set %file $iif((Truth isin $1) || (Dare isin $1),$+($v1,.txt)) 
  if (!$2) { 
    if ($play(1)) {       msg $nick The $right($1,-1) is on it's way. Please be patient as someone else may be viewing it     } 
    else {       .play $nick %file 2000 |      .unset %file     } 
  elseif $2 > $lines(%file) { .notice $nick Sorry, but $v1 number $2 doesn't exist } 
  else describe %td.chan $read(%file,$2) 

on *:TEXT:!dare*:#:{ 
  set %spinnick_choice d
  if ($nick == %spin.last) { 
    set %darenick %spin.nick 
    set %dare $iif(($1 == !dare),$2-, $remove($$1-,!dare))
    if $istok(%dare,%darenick,32) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,32) }
    if $numtok(%dare,32) = 1 { set %dare $instok(%dare,15,1,32) }
    tokenize 32 %dare
    if ($1 isnum) {      set %daretime $calc(60 * $1)    }
    elseif ($numtok($1,58)) {      set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1))    }
    describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick  sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime)  for 12 %darenick $+ 's  dare, " $2- " 
    timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- " 
  else if ($nick != %spin.nick) {    describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle"  } 

Those are the two sections that I've identified problems with, but the entire script follows, in case someone can spot & help resolve a problem before it shows up.

#td2 on
on *:text:truth*:#:{  if $nick == %spin.nick {    set %spin.nick_choice T  } }
on *:text:dare*:#:{  if $nick == %spin.nick {    set %spin.nick_choice D  } }
on *:text:*choice*:#:{  if $nick == %spin.nick {      set %spin.nick_choice SC    }  }
on *:text:sc:#:{ set %spin.nick_choice SC }
on *:text:*who*turn*:#:{
  if !%spin.nick_choice {
    if $numtok(%play.list,44) > 1 {      describe # 5 says %spin.nick needs to pick Truth, Dare, %spin.last $+ 's choice, or !choose    }
    elseif $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1  {      describe # 5 says %play.list is the only player    }
    else describe # 5 says there are no players
  elseif %spin.nick_choice == T  {
    describe # 5 reminds %spin.last that %spin.nick is waiting for a Truth query
    describe # 5 or %spin.nick needs to answer %spin.last $+ 's Truth query
  elseif %spin.nick_choice == D {
    .notice %spin.last If you need to check %spin.nick $+ 's limits, type !showme %spin.nick
    describe # 5 reminds %spin.last that %spin.nick is waiting for a Dare
    describe # 5 or %spin.nick needs to complete %spin.last $+ 's dare
  else describe # 5 It is %spin.nick $+ 's turn to spin
on *:TEXT:!autoplay:#:{
  if !$read($mknickfn($nick),s,Limits:) {
    describe # is sorry to say that the autoplay feature requires $nick to have their limits set
    set %play_temp $addtok(%play_temp,$nick,44)
    .msg $nick To set your limits, type !limit your limits here
    .msg $nick Put your limits in place of your limits here
    .msg $nick For example: !limit scat, animals, kids, golden showers
  elseif $read($mknickfn($nick),s,autoplay) != on {
    .write -sautoplay $mknickfn($nick) autoplay on
    describe # is happy to announce that $nick has decided to be a permanent player
    set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$nick,44)
    describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
  else {
    write -sautoplay $mknickfn($nick) autoplay off
    describe # sighs as $nick has decided to no longer be a permanent player
on 10:text:!cheat &:?:{
  if (!$2) && (!%cheaters) {    .notice $nick No one is cheating  }
  elseif $2 == %spin.nick {      .notice $nick $2 cannot spin themselves    }
  elseif (!$istok(%play.list,$2,44)) {       .notice $nick $2 is not playing    }
  else {
    set %cheaters $addtok(%cheaters,$2,44)
    .notice $nick $2 is scheduled to be spun

on 10:TEXT:!add *:#:{
  var %play.add = $2-
  var %a = 1
  while %a <= $numtok(%play.add,32) {
    if $istok(%watch,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),44) {
      .timer 1 300 $remtok(%watch,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),1,44)
      .notice $nick $gettok(%play.add,%a,32) is on a 5min play delay
    else set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$gettok(%play.add,%a,32),44)
    inc %a
  describe # 5 Current Players Are %play.list
on 10:TEXT:!remove *:#:{
  if ( $numtok($2-,32) => 1 ) { 
    var %x = 1 
    while ( %x <= $numtok($2-,32) ) { 
      set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$gettok($2-,%x,32),1,44) 
      set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$gettok($2-,%x,32),1,44) 
      inc %x 
  describe # 5 watches as $nick removes $2- from the playlist 
  if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players
  else describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
  if $istok($2-,%spin.last,32) {    unset %spin.last   }
  if $istok($2-,%spin.nick,32) {    unset %spin.nick   }

on *:TEXT:!watch:#:{
  ;  if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
  if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) {    set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44)  }
  if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {
    set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
    set %watch $addtok(%watch,$nick,44)
    describe # 5 sighs as $nick decides to stop playing
    if (!%play.list)       describe # 5There are no players 
    else         describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
    if ($nick == %spin.last)  unset %spin.last 
    if ($nick == %spin.nick)  unset %spin.nick 
  else     describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , "you are not playing"  

on *:PART:#:{
  ;  if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
  if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) {    set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44)  }
  if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
  if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {
    set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
    if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players 
    else         describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
    if ($nick == %spin.last)  unset %spin.last 
    if ($nick == %spin.nick)  unset %spin.nick 
on *:QUIT:{
  ;  if (%play.time. $+ $nick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($nick) playtime %play.time. $+ $nick }
  if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) {    set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44)  }
  if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
  if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {    set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)  }
  if ($nick == %spin.last)  unset %spin.last 
  if ($nick == %spin.nick)  unset %spin.nick 
on *:KICK:#:{
  ;  if (%play.time. $+ $knick) { .write -splaytime $mknickfn($knick) playtime %play.time. $+ $knick }
  if $istok(%cheaters,$knick,44) {    set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$knick,1,44)  }
  if $istok(%watch,$knick,44) { set %watch $remtok(%watch,$knick,1,44) }
  if $istok(%play.list,$knick,44) {
    set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$knick,1,44)
    if (!%play.list) describe # 5There are no players 
    else         describe # 5 :Current Players Are %play.list
    if ($knick == %spin.last)  unset %spin.last 
    if ($knick == %spin.nick)  unset %spin.nick 
on *:NICK:{
  if (%play.time. $+ $nick) {
    set -u $+ $duration(%play.time. $+ $nick) %play.time. $+ $newnick
  if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {    set %play.list $reptok(%play.list,$nick,$newnick,1,44)  }
  if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set %watch $reptok(%watch,$nick,$newnick,44) }
  var %away.1 = afk,brb,bbl,ing,bbiab,away
  while (%away.1) && ($istok(%play.list,$newnick,44)) {
    var %away.2 $gettok(%away.1,1,44)
    if ($left($newnick,$len(%away.2)) == %away.2) || ($right($newnick,$len(%away.2)) == %away.2) {
      set %play.list $remtok(%play.list,$newnick,1,44)
      if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) {        set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,$nick,1,44)      }
      if ($nick == %spin.last) || ($nick == %spin.nick) {        unset $v2      }
    set %away.1 $remtok(%away.1,%away.2,1,44)
  if $read($mknickfn($newnick),s,autoplay) == on {
    set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$newnick,44)
    describe %td.chan smiles as $newnick plays under the autoplay option
    describe %td.chan 5Current Players are: %play.list
  else {
    if $istok(%play.list,$newnick,44) {
      if ($nick == %spin.last) { set %spin.last $newnick }
      if ($nick == %spin.nick) { set %spin.nick $newnick }
      if $istok(%cheaters,$nick,44) {      set %cheaters $reptok(%cheaters,$nick,$newnick,1,44)    }

on *:text:!play:#:{
  if $istok(%play.list,$nick,44) {    describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , "you are already playing"  }
  elseif !$read($mknickfn($nick),w,Limit*) {
    set %play_temp $addtok(%play_temp,$nick,44)
    describe # is sorry to say that $nick can't play until they set their limits
    .msg $nick To set your limits, type !limits your limits here
    .msg $nick Put your limits in place of your limits here
    .msg $nick For example: !limit scat, animals, kids, golden showers
  else {
    ;    set -u $+ $read($mknickfn($nick),s,playtime) %play.time. $+ $nick
    set %play.list $addtok(%play.list,$nick,44)
    if $istok(%watch,$nick,44) { set $remtok(%watch,$nick,1,44) }
    describe # 5 smiles as $nick decides to play
    describe # 5 Current Players Are %play.list
on *:text:!play*list:*:{
  if (%play.list) {
    .msg $nick 5 Current Players: %play.list
    if (%spin.last)       .msg $nick 5 The last person to spin was: %spin.last
    if (%spin.nick)       .msg $nick 5 The last person to be chosen was: %spin.nick
  else     .msg $nick 5 There is no game currently going
on *:text:!players:*:{
  if (%play.list) {
    .msg $nick 5 Current Players: %play.list
    if (%spin.last)       .msg $nick 5 The last person to spin was: %spin.last
    if (%spin.nick)       .msg $nick 5 The last person to be chosen was: %spin.nick
  else     .msg $nick 5 There is no game currently going
on *:text:!playtime &:#:{
  if (!$2) && (!%play.time. $+ $nick) {
    .msg $nick Format for the !playtime command is !playtime <time>
    .msg $nick <time> is to be set in HH:MM:SS format
  elseif (!$2) .msg $nick Time remaining is $duration(%play.time. $+ $nick)
  else {    set -u $+ $duration($2) %play.time. $+ %spinnick  }

on 10:TEXT:!spinfor*:*:{
  if (%spin.nick_choice == t) {
    .write -sTruth: $mknickfn($2) Truth: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Truth:))
    .write -l1 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,1))
  elseif (%spinick_choice == d) {
    .write -sDare: $mknickfn($2) Dare: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Dare:))
    .write -l2 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,2))
  else {
    .write -s"Spinner's Choice:" $mknickfn($2) Spinner's Choice: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($2),s,Spinner's Choice:))
    .write -l3 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,3))
  unset %spin.nick_choice
  set %cheat $gettok(%cheaters,1,44)
  set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,%cheat,1,44)
  if !%cheat {
    if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1 {      describe # It appears that %play.list is the only player    }
    elseif ($numtok(%play.list,44) == 2) {
      set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44)
      set %spin.last $$2
      describe # 5 looks at  %spin.nick  $+ , and says " $+ $$2 wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, # $+ 's choice with !choose?"
      .timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, !choose?
    else {
      set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44)
      set %spin.last $$2
      .write $+(lastspin_,$ctime($date)) %spin.last
      .timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
      .timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
      .timer 1 5 describe # 4 %spin.nick  $+ 5, Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
      .timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
  else {
    set %spin.nick %cheat
    unset %cheat
    set %spin.last $$2
    if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
      describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $$2 wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, # $+ 's choice with !choose?"
      .timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, !choose?
    elseif $numtok(%play.list,44) > 2 {
      .timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
      .timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
      .timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick  $+ , Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
      .timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
    else {
      .timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle for $$2
      .timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
      .timer 1 5 describe # 4 %spin.nick  $+ 5, Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
      .timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $$2 $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
on *:TEXT:!spin:#:{
  if (!$istok(%play.list,$nick,44)) {
    describe # Sorry $nick $+ , but I don't see your name in the players list
    .msg $nick type !play if you wish to play
  if ($nick != %spin.nick) && $istok(%play.list,%spin.nick,44) {    
    describe # 5 whispers to $nick $+ , Sorry..but it's not your turn to spin 
  if (t isin %spin.nick_choice) {
    .write -sTruth: $mknickfn($nick) Truth: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Truth:))
    .write -l1 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,1))
  elseif (d isin %spin.nick_choice) {
    .write -sDare: $mknickfn($nick) Dare: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Dare:))
    .write -l2 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,2))
  else {
    .write -s"Spinner's Choice:" $mknickfn($nick) Spinner's Choice: $calc(1 + $read($mknickfn($nick),s,Spinner's Choice:))
    .write -l3 Choices.txt $calc(1 + $read(Choices.txt,3))
  unset %spin.nick_choice
  set %cheat $gettok(%cheaters,1,44)
  set %cheaters $remtok(%cheaters,%cheat,1,44)
  if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 1 {      .describe # 5apologizes to $nick $+ . It appears you are the only player.    }
  else {
    if (!%cheat) {
      if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
        set %spin.last $nick
        set %spin.nick $remtok(%play.list,$nick,1,44)
        describe # 5 looks at  %spin.nick  $+ , and says " $+ $nick wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or $me $+ 's choice with !choose?"
        .timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
      else {
        if (!%spin.nick) { set %spin.nick $nick }
        while %spin.nick == $nick {          set %spin.nick $gettok(%play.list,$rand(1,$numtok(%play.list,44)),44)        }
        set %spin.last $nick
        .timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle...
        .timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
        .timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick $+ , Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's choice, or !choose
        .timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
    if $numtok(%play.list,44) == 2 {
      set %spin.nick %cheat
      set %spin.last $nick
      describe # 5 looks at %spin.nick $+ , and says " $+ $nick wishes to know 'Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or $me $+ 's choice with !choose?"
      .timer 1 3 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?
    else {
      set %spin.nick %cheat
      set %spin.last $nick
      .timer 1 1 describe # 5 grins as $nick spins the bottle...
      .timer 1 3 describe # 5 gasps happily as it halts, pointing to %spin.nick
      .timer 1 5 describe # 5 %spin.nick $+ , Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose? 
      .timer 1 6 .notice %spin.nick 4You were picked! Truth, Dare, $nick $+ 's Choice, or !choose?

on $10:text:/!c[dt] /i:?:{ 
  var %a = $mid($1,2) $+ .txt,%b = $remove(cd.txtct.txt,%a), $& 
    %c = $iif(%a = ct.txt,truthed,dared),%n = .notice $nick $2 
  if (!$2) && ($1 == !ct) { .play $nick ct.txt 2000 }
  elseif (!$2) && ($1 == !cd) { .play $nick cd.txt 2000 }
  else {
    if ($read(%a,w,$2)) { 
      write -dl $readn %a 
      %n is no longer being %c 
    if ($read(%b,w,$2)) { 
      write -dl $readn %b 
      %n is no longer being $remove(trutheddared,%c) 
    write %a $2 
    %n has been %c 

on *:TEXT:!choose:#:{
  if $read(cd.txt,w,$nick) {    set %choice B  }
  elseif $read(ct.txt,w,$nick) {    set %choice A  }
  else {    set %choice $rand(A,B)  }
  if (%choice == A) {
    set %choice Truth
    set %spin.nick_choice T
    write -sTruth choose.txt Truth $calc(1 + $read(choose.txt,s,Truth))
    write choose.txt Truth $fulldate %spin.nick
  else {
    set %choice Dare
    set %spin.nick_choice D
    write -sDare choose.txt Dare $calc(1 + $read(choose.txt,s,Dare))
    write choose.txt Dare $fulldate %spin.nick
  describe # 5 randomly picks %choice for4 %spin.nick 
  //echo # Truth $read(choose.txt,s,Truth), Dare $read(choose.txt,s,Dare)

on *:text:!& &:#:{ 
  if ($left($1,2) == !s) {
    if ($2 == Truth) || ($2 == Dare) { 
      if ($($+(%,$2,line),2) == $($+(%old,$2),2)) set $+(%,$2,line) $rand(1,$lines($+($2,.txt))) 
      describe $chan suggests $read($+($2,.txt),$($+(%,$2,line),2)) 
      set %old $2 
      set % $+ $2 $+ line $rand(1,$lines($2 $+ .txt)) 

on *:text:!*list &:*:{ 
  set %file $iif((Truth isin $1) || (Dare isin $1),$+($v1,.txt)) 
  if (!$2) { 
    if ($play(1)) {       msg $nick The $right($1,-1) is on it's way. Please be patient as someone else may be viewing it     } 
    else {       .play $nick %file 2000 |      .unset %file     } 
  elseif $2 > $lines(%file) { .notice $nick Sorry, but $v1 number $2 doesn't exist } 
  else describe %td.chan $read(%file,$2) 
on *:text:!darelist &:*:{
  if $2 == $null .play $nick dare.txt
  else describe %td.chan $read(dare.txt,$2)
on *:text:!truthlist &:*:{
  if $2 == $null .play $nick truth.txt
  else describe %td.chan $read(truth.txt,$2)

on *:TEXT:!timer*:*:{
  if (!$2) && !$timer(0) {
    .msg $nick There are no timers active
  elseif ($2 isnum) && ($2 <= $timer(0)) {
    if $+($timer,$chr(40),$2,$chr(41)) == checkconnect { halt }
    else {
      .timer $+ $2 off
      describe $chan anounces that Timer $+($chr(35),$2) has been stopped by $nick
  else {
    var %timer_count = 1
    while %timer_count <= $timer(0) {
      if $timer(%timer_count) isnum {        .msg $nick Timer $chr(35) %timer_count $duration($timer(%timer_count).secs) remaining      }
      inc %timer_count 1
on 10:TEXT:!truthfor & *:#:{ 
  set %spinnick_choice t
  set %truthnick $2
  describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick  sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%truthtime)  for 12 %truthnick $+ 's  truth, " $3- " 
  .splay -p (C:\My Shared Folder\MP3\Jeopardy Think Music.mp3)
  timer 1 300 describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $3- " 

on *:TEXT:!truth *:#:{ 
  set %spinnick_choice t
  if ($nick == %spin.last) { 
    set %truthnick %spin.nick 
    describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick  sets the egg timer to 4 5mins  for 12 %truthnick $+ 's  truth, " $2- " 
    .splay -p (C:\My Shared Folder\MP3\Jeopardy Think Music.mp3)
    timer 1 300 describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %truthnick $+ 's truth, " $2- " 
  else if ($nick != %spin.nick) {    describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle"  } 

on 10:TEXT:!darefor*:#:{ 
  if (!$2) && $len($1) = 8 {
    .msg $nick Use !darefor <time> <nick> <dare>
    .msg $nick <time> can be in minutes or HH:MM:SS format
  else {
    set %spinnick_choice d
    set %darenick $2
    set %dare $iif(($1 == !darefor), $2-, $remove($$1-,!darefor))
    if istok(%dare,%darenick,44) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,44) }
    tokenize 32 %dare
    if ($1 isnum) {      set %daretime $calc(60 * $1)    }
    elseif ($numtok($1,58)) {      set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1))    }
    else set %daretime 900
    describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick  sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime)  for 12 %darenick $+ 's  dare, " $2- " 
    timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- " 

on *:TEXT:!dare*:#:{ 
  set %spinnick_choice d
  if ($nick == %spin.last) { 
    set %darenick %spin.nick 
    set %dare $iif(($1 == !dare),$2-, $remove($$1-,!dare))
    if $istok(%dare,%darenick,32) { set %dare $remtok(%dare,%darenick,1,32) }
    if $numtok(%dare,32) = 1 { set %dare $instok(%dare,15,1,32) }
    tokenize 32 %dare
    if ($1 isnum) {      set %daretime $calc(60 * $1)    }
    elseif ($numtok($1,58)) {      set %daretime $iif($numtok($1,58) = 1,$calc(60 * $duration($1)),$duration($1))    }
    describe # 5 Watches as 1 $nick  sets the egg timer to 4 $duration(%daretime)  for 12 %darenick $+ 's  dare, " $2- " 
    timer 1 %daretime describe # 5 hears the egg timer ding, time up for %darenick $+ 's dare, " $2- " 
  else if ($nick != %spin.nick) {    describe # 5 looks to $nick and laughs... "Sorry, you were not the one that spun the bottle"  } 
#td2 end

I know that there's some duplication in the script, but that's due to a quick fix on the current problem