good news i've figured out my dclick problem that i originaly stated about dclicking on the acro in the list boxes and bringing them up into the edit boxes for editing! grin ( see code in green)
now, i have one additional problem with this that i cant figure out. i have added the edit button to well, edit an entry.. and it removes the item from the hash and replaces it (so to speak), also it adds it to the list boxes but it doesn't remove the old entry from them.... ( see code in red)

heres the code as i have it now :
on *:INPUT:*:{ if ( $left($1,1) != / ) { acro $1- } }
alias -l acro { msg $active $$getacro($1-) }
alias -l getacro {
  if (!$hget(amacros)) { return }
  var %i = 1, %r
  while ($gettok($1-,%i,32)) {
    var %j = $v1
    if ($hget(amacros,%j)) { %j = $v1 }
    %r = %r %j
    inc %i
  if ($amsr(settings.ini,Acro,colorcaps) == On) { return $colorcap(%r) }
  elseif ($amsr(settings.ini,Acro,rcolorcaps) == On) { return $rcolorcap(%r) }
  return %r
alias -l colorcap {
  var %v = 1, %u
  while $gettok($1,%v,32) != $null {
    %u = %u %ac1 $+ $upper($left($v1,1)) $+ %ac2 $+ $mid($v1,2) 
    inc %v
  return %u
alias -l rcolorcap {
  var %v = 1, %u
  while $gettok($1,%v,32) != $null {
    %u = %u  $+ $rand(3,14) $+ $upper($left($v1,1)) $+  $+ $rand(3,14) $+ $mid($v1,2)
    inc %v
  return %u
dialog acro_test {
  title $amlogo ACRONYMS
  size -1 -1 314 200
  option dbu
  list 1, 16 64 82 107, size vsbar
  edit "", 3, 16 46 82 10
  edit "", 4, 147 46 150 10
  list 2, 147 64 149 107, size vsbar
  button "Add Acro", 5, 91 25 37 9
  button "Del Acro", 6, 133 25 37 9
  text "-= Input TexT =-", 7, 30 35 41 8
  text "-= Output TexT =-", 8, 202 35 45 8
  text "A", 9, 120 56 4 8
  text "C", 10, 120 69 5 7
  text "R", 11, 120 81 5 7
  text "O", 12, 120 93 5 7
  text "N", 13, 120 105 4 7
  text "Y", 14, 120 117 4 8
  text "M", 15, 120 129 5 8
  text "S", 16, 120 141 4 8
  button "Okay", 17, 104 186 37 12, ok
  button "Ascii Table", 18, 111 13 37 9
  text "-= OR =-", 21, 247 15 20 7
  radio "Enable Acro Colors", 20, 225 6 63 9
  radio "Enable Random Colors", 19, 225 21 65 9
  button "Edit Acro", 22, 18 15 37 9

on *:dialog:acro_test:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    if !$hget(amacros) { hamke amacros 100 | hload amacros $amshdir(amsacros.hsh) }
    var %x = 1
    while $hget(amacros,%x).item {
      did -a $dname 1 $v1
      inc %x
    var %y = 1
    while $hget(amacros,%y).data {
      did -a $dname 2 $v1
      inc %y
    if ($amsr(settings.ini,Acro,colorcaps) == On) { did -c $dname 20 }
    if ($amsr(settings.ini,Acro,rcolorcaps) == On) { did -c $dname 19 }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 5) {
      if ($did($dname,3) == $null) && ($did($dname,4) != $null) { $awarno | $awarnc }
      elseif ($did($dname,4) == $null) && ($did($dname,3) != $null) { $awarno | $awarnc }
      else {
        if ($hget(amacros)) {
          hadd amacros $did($dname,3).text $did(acro_test,4).text
          did -a acro_test 1 $did($dname,3).text
          did -a acro_test 2 $did($dname,4).text 
          did -r $dname 3,4
    if ($did == 6) {
      if ($did(acro_test,1).sel) {
        if ($hget(amacros)) {
          var = %line $did(acro_test,1).sel
          hdel amacros $did(acro_test,1).seltext
          did -d acro_test 1 %line
          did -d acro_test 2 %line
    if ($did == 18) { odialog ascii_table ascii_table }
    if ($did isnum 19-20) {
      if $did == 20 && $did(20).state { did -u acro_test 19 }
      elseif $did == 19 && $did(19).state { did -u acro_test 20 }
      amsw settings.ini Acro colorcaps $iif($did(20).state,On,Off))
      amsw settings.ini Acro rcolorcaps $iif($did(19).state,On,Off))
     [color:red]if ($did == 22) {
      if ($hget(amacros)) { 
        hdel amacros $did($dname,3).text {
          if $did(1).sel || $did(2).sel {  
            did -d $dname 1  $did($dname,3).text
            did -d $dname 2  $did($dname,4).text
          .hadd amacros $did($dname,3).text $did(acro_test,4).text
          did -a acro_test 1 $did($dname,3).text 
          did -a acro_test 2 $did($dname,4).text 
          did -r $dname 3,4
  [color:green]if ($devent == dclick) {
    if $did(1).seltext {
      did -ra $dname 3 $v1 | did -u $dname 1
      did -ra $dname 4 $hget(amacros,$v1)
    if $did(2).seltext {
      did -ra $dname 4 $v1 | did -u $dname 2
      did -ra $dname 3 $hfind(amacros,$v1).data
   if ($devent == close) {
    if ($dialog(ascii_table)) { dialog -x ascii_table }
    .hsave -o amacros dat\hsh\amsacros.hsh

how would i be able to fix this??
thanks in advance