thats not really what I ment.

I got this script.. nnscript its got a function /chanstats

Offcourse the script is so big and I can not find everything which has to do with the dialog so really cant tell what does what.

I need an proper example (yours is to small) of a dialog using a list with information in it.

Having spaces and multiple catogorys

(mydialog is currently looking like this)


dialog chanstts {
  title Bouncer statistics (Admin)
  size -1 -1 257 172
  option dbu
  box "Bouncer Users",3,2 1 253 48
  text "Total users",4,6 11 28 7,right
  text "Online",6,88 11 31 7,right
  text "Offline",9,177 11 30 7,right
  edit "0",11,36 9 20 11,read center
  edit "0",15,121 9 20 11,read center
  edit "0",21,209 9 20 11,read center
  text "",30,1 158 211 12
  list 2,1 51 255 105,size
  button "&Ok",1,215 158 40 12,disable ok
  button "&Cancel",31,-10 -10 1 1,cancel

on *:dialog:chanstts:*:*:{
  mdx SetMircVersion $version
  mdx MarkDialog $dname $dialog($dname).hwnd
  mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 ListView report showsel single rowselect > script\mdx\views.mdx
  did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 75:1 75:2 75:3 75:4 75:5 75:6 
  did -i $dname 2 1 headertext  0 Status	+ 0 Nick	+ 0 ident	+ 0 Server	 Name	+ 0 Last	
  mdx SetFont $dname 2 11 300 Tahoma

As you probably see i want info in the list...

how? how can I get it under the right bar and the right info in there?

example anyone?

signatures own