Hi everybody!

Sorry if this is a simplistic question but I'm new at this.

I have the script below to automatically kick/ban clones.

If I'm an op it will kick/ban a clone when it joins and it will echo the address and nicks.

If I'm not an op it obviously can't kick/ban but it also doesn't echo the address and nicks of a joining clone.

How can I make it echo the address and nicks of a joining clone if I'm not an op?


on @*:JOIN:#:{
  if ($ial == $false) .ial on
  if ($chan(#).ial == $false) { who # | return }
  var %total = $ialchan($wildsite,#,0)
  if (%total > 1) {
    ban # $nick 2
    var %i = 0
    while (%i < %total) {
      inc %i
      var %nick = $ialchan($wildsite,#,%i).nick
      var %all.nicks = $addtok(%all.nicks,%nick,32)
      if (%nick !isop #) {
        kick # %nick Clone detected from $wildsite ( $+ %total users)
    echo 14 -a Clone detected from $wildsite $+ : %all.nicks