you could add this to a new script:
on *:text:*:#: {
if (<command prefix>* iswm $1-) {
if ([ %flood.command. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ] != $null) {
set %flood.command. $+ $nick 1
timer 1 20 unset %flood.command. $+ $nick
else {
inc %flood.command. $+ $nick 1
if ([ %flood.command. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ] > 5) {
mode $chan -ohvaq+b $nick $nick $nick $nick $nick $address($nick,12)
kick $chan $nick Command flooding
you can change the kick msg and the timers as you want if the command prefix is ! then it would ben if (!* iswm $1-) {
this would allow 6 commands (i think) in 20 seconds.