I can easily script a workaround, but obviously its not very efficient compared to /hsave and /hload!
Im talking 5 hash tables, each with 720 timed items. Looping through them and writing to file isnt the fastest thing on earth in mirc smirk

You can still use /hload and /hsave, what i ment was this
instead of using the internal -u option to unset the value u uses a timer to unset it, you can easly name the timers with an identifiable extention, and then save them all to a file when you /hsave, and then if u /hload you can luanch the timers again to unset the values.
My comment on this being a better system is becuase the -u option does not account for moments when mirc is frozen doing other things, ie -u10 then mirc freezes for 3 seconds, and it well unset in 13 seconds from the set time, a timer well go off at 10 seconds or as soon after 10 as mirc unfreezes.