You can color this however you like; I removed the color codes to make the script easier to read.

on ^*:OPEN:?:{
  if (%ign == 1) {
    msg $nick |- No Querys Please -|- I'm N/A -|- Querylog:ON -|
    write query.txt $nick am $date um $time Uhr
    write query.txt $1- 
  else msg $nick ::: Query N° $query(0) ::: (NOTE: Please wait / if I don't answer I'm away) :::
menu channel {
  $iif(%ign,$style(1)) Query Ignore:{
    if (%ign) { set %ign 0 | run query.txt }
    else set %ign 1

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C