Hi I have a script I got from somewhere (I can't remember where.) I have been trying to amend it so that if one of my ops on my mibbit channel use it they will get the information. Currently the information only goes to me bot. The problem I have is my ops dont have mirc installed so I cant just give them the script im using.
I will include my script below and also the bit I tried to add that doesnt work. Help would be much appreciated.

The Script I use:

on *:start: {
on ^*:join:#: {
if (!$hget(join)) nicktracker
hinc join $address($nick,2) $+ $chan $+ .num
if ($hget(join,$address($nick,2) $+ $chan $+ .last)) echo # * $nick has joined # - Joined $hget(join,$address($nick,2) $+ $chan $+ .num) times - Last as $hget(join,$address($nick,2) $+ $chan) $duration($calc($ctime - $hget(join,$address($nick,2) $+ $chan $+ .last))) ago
else echo # * $nick has joined # - First join
hadd join $address($nick,2) $+ $chan $nick
hadd join $address($nick,2) $+ $chan $+ .last $ctime
var %a = 1,%n = 0,%b = 1
while $hget(join,$address($nick,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a) {
if ($v1 == $nick) %n = 1
inc %a
if (%n == 0) hadd join $address($nick,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a $nick
while $nick(#,%b) {
if ($nick(#,%b) != $nick) && ($address($nick(#,%b),2) == $address($nick,2)) echo # 4 $+ $nick(#,%b) is the clone of $nick $+ !
inc %b

on *:nick: {
if (!$hget(join)) nicktracker
var %a = 1,%n = 0
while $hget(join,$address($newnick,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a) {
if ($v1 == $newnick) %n = 1
inc %a
if (%n == 0) hadd join $address($newnick,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a $newnick
menu nicklist {
Previous nicks:/prevnicks $$1
alias prevnicks {
if (!$hget(join)) nicktracker
var %a = 1,%s
while $hget(join,$address($1,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a) {
%s = %s $v1
inc %a
echo -a -->12 $1 has had the nicks:4 %s
alias nicktracker {
hmake join 1000
hload join join.txt
.timer 0 600 hsave join join.hsh

The Part I tried to add to make my ops be able to use it:
on *:TEXT:!pnicks*:#: {
if ($nick isop $chan) {
if (!$hget(join)) nicktracker
var %a = 1,%s
while $hget(join,$address($1,2) $+ .nicknum. $+ %a) {
%s = %s $v1
inc %a
notice $1 -->12 $2 has had the nicks:4 %s
else { msg $chan 4 $nick you are not a mod please do not use mod commands. } }

Now obviously this doesnt work and I would be really really grateful if someone could please help me out.