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Posted By: xnowfall multi-monitor - 29/08/03 02:12 AM
saving window positions on a secondary monitor seems to use the primary monitor to determine if the window is off the screen, but then use the desktop to place it back on screen. at least the effect i'm getting is that a window saved at the center of the secondary monitor (to the right of the primary) is shifted up against the right edge of the secondary monitor. the vertical position is correct.

the multi-monitor support option is enabled and the window appears on the correct monitor, just in the wrong place..
Posted By: Ginseng Re: multi-monitor - 30/08/03 03:16 AM
I was unable to re-produce this. I have tried saving windows on the secondary monitor and they have appeared in the same place that I saved it everytime. Could you please clarify what it is that is happening?
Posted By: xnowfall Re: multi-monitor - 30/08/03 04:13 AM
well, it doesn't seem to affect the main window (sorry, hadn't tried that..), but channel windows etc "on desktop" (ie non-child windows) appears to use the workspace area of the primary monitor to determine if they are off-screen. a window positioned (partially) off-screen will be moved as far as necessary to get fully visible again (an option to disable that would be nice, btw..).

in my case, the window is detected to be to the right of the primary monitor and is thus (although the window is fully inside the secondary monitor) moved so its right border is up against the right side of the screen, though it uses multimonitors properly for this task and actually moves the window further to the right so it lines up against the right of my secondary monitor. so it seems to be a bug in the off-screen detection only considering the workspace of the primary monitor - though not for the main window.

hope that's clearer, and assuming you weren't testing with "on desktop" windows before, hopefully you can reproduce it..
Posted By: xnowfall Re: multi-monitor - 30/08/03 04:18 AM
..though you say windows plural, so.. smirk
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