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I have a script that opens a debug custom window and filters the lines output using an alias identifier.

When I close the window or issue /debug off the identifier continues to be called.

Is this a bug or by design?

How do I turn off calling an identifier?
Thanks for your bug report. I have not been able to reproduce this issue so far. If I use "/debug -i on $test" to make debug call an alias called "test", it continues to be called until I use "/debug off". Can you provide a step by step example, including the /debug call you are using, that reproduces the issue for you?
Originally Posted By: Khaled
I have not been able to reproduce this issue so far.

I can no longer recreate this issue when turning debug off.

It is possible that I added the -l switch to the alias definition - the filter alias has to be globally visible for debug to be able to call it.

(This is not a bug, but it would be nice if "debug @debug filterident" is called from within a script for "alias -l filterident { stuff }" within the same script to work.)
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