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I don't actually consider this an important bug, but I happened to discover it randomly.

With "Enable IPv6 support and prioritize IPv6 over IPv4 connections" enabled (along with enabling the option for mIRC to retry connect on error):

1. Remove/Unplug/Disable Network Card with Internet+IPv6 Access
2. Open mIRC
3. Connect to a server that would normally prefer IPv6.
4. Expect the "* Unable to resolve server" error over and over, as it tries and retries to connect.
5. Attach/Plugin/Enable Network Card with Internet+IPv6 Access
6. Notice that it'll connect to the IPv4 server.


Now I did not HEAVILY test this, hopefully someone can confirm for me, but these are the steps I do to reproduce this.


Windows 7 x64 Enterprise
Also if you are accepting an SSL certificate for the first time for a server that normally prefers IPv6, it'll also connect only to the v4 that time.
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