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I wanted to write an alias, that shows me all Letters from 0-255, i did it so:

alias test {
  var %i 0
  while (%i <= 255) {
    echo -a $chr(%i)
    inc %i

when i type "/test" now, all i get is:

* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 13, script.ini)

if u put something before or after "$chr(%i)" its shows me all right, but only "$chr(%i)" doesnt work...

if i type it directly in a chanwindow or so:

//echo -a $chr(46)

works correct.

Must be a bug, or?

imho $chr(0) causes the problem as it's not a real character.
so, this is not a bug but mIRC's normal behaviour.
just set %i to 1 and you should do fine.

This is in no way something new, all char codes arn't printable.
so just by doing a smal change to your code if works fine.

alias test {
  var %i 0
  while (%i <= 255) {
    echo -a char: $chr(%i)
    inc %i
$chr(0) is nothing therefor you need to start counting at 1, also you need to escape $chr(32) as it cant be printed on it's own.
alias test {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= 255) {
    if (%i = 32) { echo -a space | inc %i }
    echo -a $chr(%i)
    inc %i
Thx. I also thought about that...but shouldnt mIRC show all the "correct" values?
What I usually do is add a ^O char at the end of what I'm echoing, that way mIRC'll never throw an error when trying to echo a $null value or a space.

echo -a $chr(%i) 

Since mIRC interprets the ^O char, there's no issue that you will see it when it's echoed.
mIRC's own commands are almost all made to halt when an error is found, since it cant print $chr(0) or $chr(32) it will halt.
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