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Posted By: Jae freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 06:42 AM
Well explorer.exe has been a pain in the a** lately and offasionally freezes on opening some folders. But i had only just tried doing /run . and noticed mirc to temporarily freeze till explorer.exe opened the folder in question. freezing for as long as the window doesnt open for. surely this should happen.. if for whatever reason mirc opened another program and the program didnt properly open for whatever reason.. couldnt this lead mirc to indefinately freeze?
i tried a few searches but coudltn come up with anything and wasnt sure of what to search for.. wondering if anyone else has suffered this problem from time to time.

Cheers. Col.
Posted By: Armada Re: freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 07:06 AM
If im correct in thinking mIRC is waiting for a call back from IE to see if its running, So if the program launches itll go on, if the program doesnt mIRC will annouce that the program couldnt launch, windows should step in and say that ie is non responsive what do you want to do Wait or close, and if you clicked close then mIRC would say that program could not be launched
Posted By: DaveC Re: freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 08:52 AM
there are some ways around this one, one is using a second thread to launch what you want, the second thread of course must start instantly (ie: delay like u encountered)

Win2k and Xp can use...

/run cmd /c start .
^ that well leave the dos box open tell . opens an explorer if thats delayed then the dos box is delayed

/run cmd /d /c start "" explorer "."
^ that fixes that

/run is mircs run command
cmd /d /c is a dos session
start "" is a dos command that starts other threads
explorer is well guess what that is lol
"." is the path

start can actually start any app so you might have

/run cmd /c start "" "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Dreamweaver.exe"
^ that lets mirc keep going even when Dreamweaver takes 10 seconds to start.

So you getting mirc to start a thread which itself starts another thread

[edit] hmmm just posted this and now discovered that calling dreamweaver directly from mirc doesnt freeze mirc up either, but i think the princible is still there, just i dont have a app that locks the pc up to test with.
Posted By: Jae Re: freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 08:26 PM
Armada it was explorer.exe not IE.

there are some ways around this one, one is using a second thread to launch what you want, the second thread of course must start instantly (ie: delay like u encountered)

nonetheless i believe mirc shouldnt be prone to worry about other programs causing it greif when its not at fault. minor problem yet problem nontheless. its not happening now. but surely having mirc freezing up for any length of time can be frustrating.
Posted By: DaveC Re: freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 09:15 PM
Armada it was explorer.exe not IE.

Same app different name.

on mirc freezing, yes i agree its a disturbing result but you wouldnt get * /run: unable to open 'asdasdasdsd' without it I guess, so its a trade off, how many windows apps freeze up vs how many dont, really none should, I think hes likely got some type of spyware hooked in, it might have been trying to contact homebase or something, that or hes opening to a network path thats dropped off. Oh wait then again the app is a MS one isnt it so its likely just kaplonked itself smile
Posted By: Iori Re: freeze on /run . - 21/03/05 10:27 PM
Adding "explorer" should reduce it to a couple of ms.
  • /run explorer .
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