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Posted By: Skyrocker 2 different mIRC (32bit) - 08/07/11 01:02 PM

I followed the 32Bit tutorial to get 2 different mIRC working and not interfering.

"mirc32.exe 32-bit :
If you use the 32-bit version of mIRC you CAN run a second instance without problems without having to provide a second, renamed .exe file. You don't have to rename and or copy the mirc32.exe. BUT you still have to create 2 shortcuts with unique mirc.ini names on the startup-line to get your 2 mIRC's working independently and not interfering .... Don't forget that :-) "

Well, I want one mIRC as Normal User and the other as a Bot, but it doesn't work, when I exit both mIRC the remotes of the Bot are in the remotes of my User and so it interferes..

May I get help about this please? How to create 2 different mIRC without interfering?

Thanks. Have a good day.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: 2 different mIRC (32bit) - 08/07/11 01:12 PM
Your shortcuts should use the switch to specify which mirc.ini file to use (I think it's -r, but I don't use it and can never remember). If you run two or more copies with different scripts/settings, then you need multiple copies of mIRC.ini. Note that using the switch lets you have a single install of mIRC and run it multiple times with different scripts and settings if you want, or you can still have multiple installs.

The alternative to using a switch in the shortcut is to have mIRC.ini in the mIRC install folders and to have separate installs for each copy you want to run. This is what I do so I can easily keep things separate. To do this, just put mIRC.ini in the same folder as mIRC.exe for each install and then set up the scripts/settings as you want for each install and they won't interfere with one another.

The notes about that are in the version history text file somewhere around version 6.35.
Posted By: drum Re: 2 different mIRC (32bit) - 08/07/11 01:14 PM
First make two copies of the mIRC shortcut where you want them. You need to use these two shortcuts to start the two different mIRC sessions. Then right-click on the first shortcut, and click "Properties". Your Target field should look something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\mIRC\mirc.exe"

It may look slightly different depending on what version of Windows you are using. Anyway, add the following on to the END of the target line without deleting what is already there:


So, in other words, the entire line will now look like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\mIRC\mirc.exe" -r"%appdata%\mIRC"

Hit OK. Now do the same process for the second shortcut, but use the following text instead:


Thus giving you something like this as the whole line:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\mIRC\mirc.exe" -r"%appdata%\mIRCbot"

That's it. You should now have two completely independent sessions of mIRC that won't interfere at all.
Posted By: Skyrocker Re: 2 different mIRC (32bit) - 08/07/11 08:08 PM
Thanks guys for your help!

Finally, it works with the method of drums!

Thanks so much guys, that was the only thing which annoyed me on mIRC!

See you soon!
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