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Posted By: Janno Manipulating mIRC's channel richedit controls - 27/11/04 12:14 PM

I'm trying to write something in those richtedits, but they don't react on any EM_ message. Is there any way to manipulate them?
First, enable "Multibyte Editbox" in Alt+O > IRC > Messages and restart mIRC. This is supposed to make the editboxes "normal" (I don't know in what way, though). If you're still having problems I suggest you to contact a guy called wakjah on Undernet. Recently he wrote a DLL that can manipulate channel editboxes (hopefully he doesn't mind me mentioning it here smile).
Uhm, I think my english is just too poor to explain what i really meant: The textbox, in which u can echo text with /echo etc.. I'm assuming it's a richedit, because you can have colors there.

Hope this is a better description.
If your referring to the channels text (displayed text) thats not a richedit (or edit) its a static window. mIRC draws the text itself (using DrawText, TextOut, ...) to the window. This is why you can have multiple colors and styles (bold underline ...)
feel free to view my source in my Editbox DLL:

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