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I wish to propose a new event prefix, ~

On *:TEXT:*foo*:#: { }
On ~*:TEXT:*bar*:#: { }
On ~*:TEXT:*baz*:#: { }

All three of these events would fire because the latter two are specifically asking to be excluded from the Event-Priority-Sequence of a given script file. The priority sequence states that events nearer the top of a file will be tried first, and if it has a matching level, match-text and target, it will be the only event to fire within that file... and all latter events further down in the file will be skipped.

The '~' prefix asserts that the event does not wish to be skipped. It behaves as if the event were loaded in a different script file, except that it has still access to all script-scope things like local aliases; ALIAS -l.

Khaled: You'll have to decide if you want ~ prefixed events to have influence on the skipping of non-prefixed events that exist further down a script file. At first blush, I say they should have influence, simply because it's easy enough to place ~ prefixed events at the bottom of the file otherwise.

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