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Dear Khaled,

Could you please add the options Auto+1, Auto+2, Auto-1, Auto-2 to mIRC's Options > Display > [Switchbar] Lines combo list? In this way the user can selectively choose a more expanded or condensed switchbar list from the regular "Auto" maths.

I often find myself switching to a static number of lines (dragging up/down on the switchbar) because the channels become too condensed.

Recommend, if in Auto mode, that dragging up/down won't switch to a static N lines, but will instead switch to an Auto+N or Auto-N option instead.

[Full disclosure: I understand there is a Treeview for users that like to have a lot of channels open. I'm using an auto hide/show channels in switchbar script that I wrote to only show channels with recent or unread activity in the Switchbar, and that hides idle channels from the Switchbar.]
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