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Posted By: FroggieDaFrog VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 05/01/17 03:38 PM
As far as I can tell, mIRC does not support VT_ARRAY(binary byte arrays) when it comes to retrieving data from a COM. It'd be great to see this added, especially with the inclusion of com bvar support.

When $com().result is called, if
...the output ISN'T a bvar, convert to string
...the output IS a bvar, fill the bvar with the binary data

The use case:
Using an MS/Windows provided HTTP request object, namely SERVERXMLHttpRequest to retrieve data from a website, the body can be retrieved using .responseBody as a byte array but mIRC is unable to handle such a result, resulting in the returned value being null
a use-case code example
alias example {
  var %Error

  ;; Create an instance of MS provided http requester
  ;; and use it to request http://example.com
  .comopen example MSXML2.SERVERXMLHttp.6.0
  if (!$com(example) || $comerr) {
    %Error = Unable to create an instance of MSXML2.SERVERXMLHttp.6.0
  elseif (!$com(example, open, 1, bstr, GET, bstr, http://example.com, bool, false) || $comerr) {
    %Error = Unable to initialize the request
  elseif (!$com(example, send, 1) || $comerr) {
    %Error = Request failed
  else {

    ;; To get the response as purely text, this works flawlessly
    if (!$com(example, responseText, 2) || $comerr) {
      %Error = Failed to retrieve response text
    else {
      noop $com(example, &example).result
      echo -s Reponse Text( $+ $bvar(&example, 0) $+ ): $bvar(&example, 1, 4000).text
      echo -s -
      bunset &example

    ;; But to retrieve the response body as binary data
    ;; This echos an empty string due to mIRC being unable
    ;; to handle VT_ARRAYs
    if (!$com(example, responseBody, 2) || $comerr) {
      %Error = Failed to retrieve response text
    else {
      noop $com(example, &example).result
      echo -s Reponse Body( $+ $bvar(&example, 0) $+ ): $bvar(&example, 1, 4000).text
      echo -s -
      bunset &example


  ;; Handle errors
  if ($error) {
    %Error = $v1
  if ($com(example)) {
    .comclose example
  if (%Error) {
    echo -s Error: $v1
Posted By: westor Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 07/01/17 02:00 PM
WOW !!! this is crazy good idea, i hope this will be added in next releases...
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 12/01/17 09:03 AM
mIRC currently handles twenty variant types. In the case of the example you provided, the variant type is VT_UI1, which is a single byte, so it would be easy enough to copy it into a binary variable. For multibyte types, the binary variable would need to be filled with multibyte values and the scripter would have to know the byte size of the type in order to parse the binary variable. In the case of VT_BSTR, the binary variable would need to be filled with multiple, consecutive strings (that are first converted from BSTR to UTF-8), each terminated with a NULL character, and the scripter would need to parse the binary variable accordingly.

The byte sizes for the variant types are:
1: VT_I1, VT_UI1

So far, I have tested VT_UI1 with the example you provided. Do you have examples that return arrays of other variant types? And one that returns an array of VT_BSTR?
My main concern was for VT_UI1 typed VT_ARRAYs as many MS-provided objects return strings in this type(why not just a BSTR; only MS knows).

I do not have examples of VB_BSTR or other types in use and my search has come up empty, if I do stumble up on such I'll be sure to let you know.
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 12/01/17 04:15 PM
No problem, I found a way to create arrays of different variant types to test the array parsing code and it seems to handle arrays of VT_BSTR and other types fine. This should be in the next beta.
To add to this feature request is there a chance you would add some way for us to pass data into a COM instance as a VT_ARRAY containing VT_UI1 items? Again, this is how many MS-provided objects represent raw byte data(such as the contents of a non-text file).

Something along the lines of:
;; Where <TYPE> is the contained items' type
$com(name, member, method, array [&]type[* varname], &bvar|inputString)

$com(name, member, method, array &ui1, &bvar)

Personally I'd only consider fixed-length array-item types for this and have checks to make sure the amount of bytes in the input is divisible by the fixed-length of the item-type prior to making the COM call.
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 13/01/17 07:53 PM
Okay, it looks like I will need to leave this, and the original request, for the next version as they both require critical changes to the COM routines. On to-do list however.
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 20/01/17 11:56 AM
Can you provide an example $com() call that passes an array of ui1 into a COM instance? Ideally, a method that I can use to verify that the array is being passed correctly.
If I read correctly you are looking for an example of passing a UI1 array INTO a com instance, correct? If so the below example will write the specified data to file for you to verify:

alias ui1_inputTest {

  bset -t &ui1_data 1 this is some data to send as ui1_array
  comopen ui1_test ADODB.Stream
  if (!$com(ui1_test) || $comerr) {
    echo -a failed to create stream instance
  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, open, 1) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to open stream
  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, type, 4, integer, 1) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to set the read/write type to binary

  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, write, 1, array &ui1, &ui1_data) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to write data to stream
  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, position, 4, integer, 0) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to reset position
  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, saveToFile, 1, bstr, $mircdirui1_text.dat, integer, 2) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to save to file
  elseif (!$com(ui1_test, close, 1) || $comerr) {
    echo -a Failed to close stream
  else {
    echo -a All done; check $mircdirui1_text.dat to see what was wrote
  if ($com(ui1_test)) .comclose ui1_test
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 20/01/17 07:13 PM
Thanks, both of your examples appear to be working with the new array support, so it is looking good. For the time being, I have limited array support to one dimensional VT_UI1/VT_I1 arrays. This should be in the next beta.
This is very much appreciated
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 26/01/17 12:44 PM
I have uploaded a beta with these changes. It required changes to the way $com() results are handled, so $com() will need some general testing, in addition to testing the above changes, to make sure that it is working correctly.
So far, the changes haven't effected my pre-existing scripts, and the additions are working marvelously. Thank you
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 27/09/18 10:47 PM

I'm not sure but it looks like I might need this for $comval, the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class and its IPAddress property returns an array of string but mIRC returns $null.

If this is right, something like $comval(name,N,member,[&output]) could be made

alias localip {
  .comopen a wbemScripting.swbemLocator | .comclose a $com(a,connectserver,3,bstr,.,bstr,root\cimv2,dispatch* b)
  .comclose b $com(b,execquery,3,bstr,SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True ,dispatch* c)
  var %b $comval(c,0),%r
  while (%b) {
   ; if ($comval(c,%b,DHCPEnabled)) %r = %r $comval(c,%b,DHCPServer)
   ; else
   %r = %r $comval(c,%b,IPAddress)
    dec %b
  .comclose c
  return %r
That isn't a VT_ARRAY; that is an enumerable collection

But it does bring to point two things:

1: There's no way AFAIK to access enumerable collection items with $com() and no way to dispatch collection items with $comval

2: There's no way to access enumerable collection items that are what would be considered primitives(booleans, numbers, strings)
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 28/09/18 11:05 PM
It's not but it's an array, it's the same idea as:
In the case of VT_BSTR, the binary variable would need to be filled with multiple, consecutive strings (that are first converted from BSTR to UTF-8), each terminated with a NULL character, and the scripter would need to parse the binary variable accordingly.
described above, we could get the array inside a binvar and deal with NULL.

There's no need for $com to handle collections as $comval was made to do it, just need array support!
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 19/04/20 05:57 PM
Thanks you for improving $comval() for more array support.

I have found some issue with the RegRead method : https://www.vbsedit.com/html/1b567504-59f4-40a9-b586-0be49ab3a015.asp

There are some path which I can see in regedit.exe which report an error for the RegRead $com call function, but it works otherwise, no idea why.

The RegRead method returns values of the following five types.

Type		Description						In the Form of

REG_SZ		A string						A string

REG_DWORD	A number						An integer

REG_BINARY	A binary value						A VBArray of integers

REG_EXPAND_SZ	An expandable string (e.g., "%windir%\\calc.exe")	A string

REG_MULTI_SZ	An array of strings					A VBArray of strings

Whenever the path is ok, REG_SZ and REG_DWORD type are returning correct value (I would think REG_EXPAND_SZ also works, did not try).

alias regread {
  .comopen a WScript.Shell
  var %err OK,%b
  if ($comerr) var %err COM_ERR
  elseif (!$com(a,RegRead,3,bstr,$1)) || ($comerr) var %err COM_ERR
  else %b = $com(a).result
  if ($error) reseterror
  if ($com(a)) .comclose a
  return %err %b

What works:
$regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation) return 0 if short finename is enabled, 1 if it's disabled (REG_DWORD)
$regread(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName) returns the name of the operating system (REG_SZ - use abbreviated HKLM root item)

What doesn't work:

In the regedit editor, the key is literaly like this, with lower case for 'video', but note that the path alone can be tested, for invalid path you get a com error, for valid path, no com error:

$regread(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\) is OK while $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\videoLAN\) is COM_ERR,

And here is another failing example $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Realtek\Network\install)
but this time $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Realtek\) is OK while $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Realtek\Network\) isn't, it's pretty weird to me.

In any case, I'd like to get support for REG_BINARY and REG_MULTI_SZ when we use $com(name,&binvar).result, I tried REG_BINARY but $com seems to return 0. Are they supposed to work? I believe not.
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 24/04/20 08:34 PM
About my previous post and the fail, I tried on someone's win10 machine, and there was no problem reading string/integer, so it may be an issue with my machine only, no idea why though.

The suggestion for REG_BINARY and REG_MULTI_SZ still stand though.
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 27/04/20 01:14 PM
The suggestion for REG_BINARY and REG_MULTI_SZ still stand though.

You can read these by saving them to a binary variable, eg. $com(name, &value).result
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 27/04/20 02:32 PM
I stated doing that is not working and figured it was not a bug.
Posted By: Khaled Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 27/04/20 02:58 PM
I just tested this and it seems to be working. I used the following script:

test {
  echo 1 $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation)
  echo 1 $regread(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName)
  echo 1 $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\DefaultLaunchPermission)
  echo 1 $regread(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations)

regread {
  .comopen a WScript.Shell
  var %err OK,%b
  if ($comerr) var %err COM_ERR
  elseif (!$com(a,RegRead,3,bstr,$1)) || ($comerr) var %err COM_ERR
  else %b = $com(a, &v).result
  echo 3 len: $bvar(&v,0) data: $bvar(&v,1-1024).text
  if ($error) reseterror
  if ($com(a)) .comclose a
  return %err %b

Each of the above calls fills the binary variable with the expected result here.

"DefaultLaunchPermission" is a REG_BINARY and "PendingFileRenameOperations" is a REG_MULTI_SZ.
Posted By: Wims Re: VT_ARRAY when retrieving COM results - 27/04/20 03:07 PM
It works for me on all of those examples, but it fails on many others example.

The code is the same as what I provided (with the inclusion of the &v parameter, which I had tried, obviously), so it's not something that has to do with the code but with my machine.
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