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Posted By: darkfunkel Text db - 14/07/03 10:48 AM
I am working on this thing for my channel which writes code to a text file and on a trigger /plays it even if I zip up and send the mirc directory it doesn't work on other peoples PCs
 on *:JOIN:#: /msg $nick welcome $nick $+ ! to DaRk-XDCC distro. to view our FTPs type !ftps and we will send you a list of our FTPs these are not always up though
on *:TEXT:!ftps:#: /play $nick c:\darkdistro\ftps.txt
on *:TEXT:!addftp*:#: if ($nick isop $chan) { /write c:\darkdistro\ftps.txt $$2- | /msg $chan $nick sucesfully added11 $$2- }
on *:TEXT:!clear*:#: if ($nick isop $chan) { /write -c c:\darkdistro\ftps.txt | /msg $chan $nick sucesfully cleared the FTP list11  }
on *:TEXT:!addbot*:#, ?: if ($nick isop $chan) { /write c:\darkdistro\bots.txt $$2- | /msg $chan $nick sucesfully added the bot!11  }
on *:TEXT:!bots:#: if ($nick isop $chan) { /play $nick c:\darkdistro\bots.txt  }
on *:TEXT:!status:#: /msg $chan $me $+ 's status is $status to $server on port: $port network name is $network
on *:TEXT:!report*:#: /write c:\darkdistro\badftps.txt $$2- | /msg $chan the bad ftp has been added to the log and will be investigated
on *:TEXT:!badftps:#: if ($nick isop $chan) { /play $nick c:\darkdistro\badftps.txt  }

help correcting the code would be appreciated
Posted By: c0ldfusi0n Re: Text db - 14/07/03 11:01 AM
Make sure when giving it to other people that they keep the directories as you have them -- c:\darkdistro\<files>. Otherwise, use $findfile.
Posted By: krunch Re: Text db - 14/07/03 11:02 AM
the dir path,
try using $scriptdirftps.txt
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