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Posted By: Bramzee Filtering URL info? - 29/03/17 07:26 PM
I basically need just the access token for this, looking to make things a bit easier.


Is it possible to remove "http://localhost/#access_token=" and "&scope=channel_read+channel_editor+channel_subscriptions+channel_check_subscription" from this when someone does something like

!token http://localhost/#access_token=THIS_IS_W...ck_subscription

that way when they do the !token it'll write just their token to the ini file I have?


So... Yet again, not doing enough searching of the right stuff... If you want something like this use $remove... Sorry.


Posted By: Raccoon Re: Filtering URL info? - 29/03/17 11:16 PM
var %text = http://localhost/#access_token=THIS_IS_WHAT_I_NEED&scope=channel_read+channel_editor+channel_subscriptions+channel_check_subscription
if ($regex(%text,/access_token=([^&]+)/)) {
  var %token = $regml(1)
Posted By: Bramzee Re: Filtering URL info? - 30/03/17 01:32 AM
is this easier on my pc/mIRC than the $remove??
Posted By: Raccoon Re: Filtering URL info? - 30/03/17 09:06 AM
Is it a grinding operation? No. Regular expressions are fast, and the logic used in the example I gave you might actually use fewer CPU cycles than the logic used in your very lengthy $remove(), byte for byte comparison.
Posted By: Wims Re: Filtering URL info? - 30/03/17 12:01 PM
Regular expressions are not fast, they are anything you want but fast, especially the engines nowadays, including PCRE, which are not 'regular' anymore.
Again it's important, regular expression are not fast, never, you can't say that; it may be that you meant here it would be faster than the $remove, but doubt it.
Posted By: Raccoon Re: Filtering URL info? - 30/03/17 05:14 PM
Ouims, you are being pedantic again. It's not pretty.

For this user's purposes, there should be no noticeable or even practical loss of PC performance, while the user gains the flexibility of support for dynamically changing input.

In conducting performance speed tests (for a script, lol), on an 8 year old mid-grade Dell Optiplex, I conclude that the $remove and the $regex methods both execute in less than 1/10,000th of a second, with the $regex method being relatively slower but negligibly so. This also in part to requiring two lines of code for regex; one for the $regex() and one for the $regml(). I was still able to iterate 15,000 times without it taking one full second to complete.

regexspeedtest {
  var %text = http://localhost/#access_token=THIS_IS_WHAT_I_NEED&scope=channel_read+channel_editor+channel_subscriptions+channel_check_subscription
  var %i = 1, %ticks = $ticks
  WHILE (%i <= 10000) {
    inc %i
    var %token = $remove(%text,http://localhost/#access_token=,&scope=channel_read+channel_editor+channel_subscriptions+channel_check_subscription)
    noop $regex(%text,/access_token=([^&]+)/)
    var %token = $regml(1)
  echo -a $calc($ticks - %ticks) ms, %token

By alternately removing the lines of code not being tested, my repeatable speed results were such.

$remove = 488 ms @ 10,000 iterations
$regex = 691 ms @ 10,000 iterations
control = 213 ms @ 10,000 iterations

Adjusted for control, $remove took 275 ms, and $regex took 478 ms. Faster than it took to write this.
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