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Posted By: NewUserrr Highlight excluding selected nicknames - 06/02/17 08:29 PM

Searching through the web I found a method for disabling selected channels from highlight option: https://forums.multiplay.com/team-fortress-2-pickups/63785-how-disable-highlight-per-channel-mirc

alias myhlnick {
  var %max = $numtok(%nohlchans, 32)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %max) {
    var %chan = $gettok(%nohlchans, %i, 32)
    if (%chan == $chan) return $null
    inc %i
  return $me

;Script made by F2
;Downloaded at http://forums.multiplay.co.uk/showthread.php?t=63785

alias -l isnohlon {
  return $iif($findtok(%nohlchans, $1, 32) == $null, $false, $true)

alias -l togglenohl {
  var %status = $isnohlon($1)
  if (%status == $true) set %nohlchans $remtok(%nohlchans, $1, 1, 32)
  else set %nohlchans $addtok(%nohlchans, $1, 32)
  echo -at Highlighting on $1 is now $iif(%status, ON, OFF)

menu channel {
  Highlight is $iif($isnohlon($chan), OFF, ON)
  .Turn highlight $iif($isnohlon($chan), ON, OFF):togglenohl $chan

I wanted to do a similar thing for disabling highlight on messages from selected nicks, so I replaced $chan with $nick and so on. But it doesn't work, as $nick in the myhlnick alias returns nothing. I tried a walkaround with adding "on *:text:*:* { set %nick $nick }" in remote scripts tab and then using %nick instead of $nick in myhlnick alias, but it seems that the "on text" event is triggered AFTER executing highlight commands, thus the workaround also doesn't work as expected.

So is there any way to disable messages from selected nicks in the highlight option? Thanks in advance for help.
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