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Posted By: bwttruman Help with making a fun Twitch command - 21/02/15 04:50 PM
This command is just for fun and mostly pointless and might not even be possible. However, what I am looking for is a way for me to be able to type something like "!failboards" into chat and the top five people who have gotten a FailFish paired with their name throughout the stream will appear.

So, for example...

bwttruman: FailFish User1
User2: FailFish User1

bwttruman: !failboards

bwttruman: 1. User1 2 FailFish s

No rush on this as it is really pretty pointless but if someone could figure out how to do this it would be great grin
Posted By: judge2020 Re: Help with making a fun Twitch command - 21/02/15 06:51 PM
Posted By: Nillen Re: Help with making a fun Twitch command - 21/02/15 07:28 PM
You want something that will write to a file or any kind of storage when someone enters "failfish &" ($2 being a user on a channel) and then compare all values within that storage and display the top 5.

There is a script that people used to post around a lot a while ago called "!top 10", you can find it on the forums and possibly make your own out of it. I personally haven't ever tried using /filter which it does, so I can't help you there.
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