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Posted By: Belhifet Timer durations... - 04/08/14 09:28 AM
Ok so when connect to mirc I set a bunch of timers to run stuff

on *:CONNECT: {
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $ini(channellist.ini,0)) {
    if ($readini(channellist.ini, %i, connectonload) == 1) {
      .timerrecheck. $+ $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel) 0 300 recheck $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel)
      .timerhostcycle. $+ $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel) 0 300 hostcycle $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel)
      .timercheckhoststatus. $+ $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel) 0 600 checkhoststatus $readini(channellist.ini, %i, Channel)
    inc %i

It turns out that this ends up setting several scripts on the same timers and mirc can get a tiny bit laggy. I'm assuming its these scripts firing at the same time that is causing the lagginess. The lag reveals itself sometimes because MIRC will stop responding. ANYWAY, I'd like to set it up so those timers fire off at different times instead of all at once. How would I set that up? Better question how would you set that up smile.
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