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Posted By: VidyaJames Why won't my socket connection work? - 31/07/14 01:01 AM
I want to write a simple socket to go with a !uptime command for a bot I'm running for a twitch stream. I've looked at multiple different examples of how to write a socket but nothing seems to be working. My code looks like this:

on *:TEXT:!uptime*:#:{
  sockclose utSocket
  sockopen utSocket www.nightdev.com 80

on *:sockopen:utSocket:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose utSocket | halt }
  sockwrite -n utSocket GET /hosted/uptime.php?channel=STREAM_NAME HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n utSocket Host: www.nightdev.com 
  sockwrite utSocket $crlf 

on *:sockread:utSocket:{
  var %read
  sockread -f %read
  msg # Stream has been running for %read .
 sockclose utSocket


www.nightdev.com/hosted/uptime.php?channel=STREAM_NAME will just display text of the running time of whatever stream is put in the URL in place of STREAM_NAME, which is exactly what I want.

Does anyone know what the problem is? Is there anything else that needs to be done when making a socket or am I missing something here?
Posted By: Nillen Re: Why won't my socket connection work? - 31/07/14 02:01 AM
msg # means nothing in the sockread event. You have to store the channel name in the text event.

Also, you want to set an if statement and not use msg %chan %read - as this will spam the channel with irrelevant stuff.
Posted By: VidyaJames Re: Why won't my socket connection work? - 31/07/14 03:16 AM
Thank you! My problem was indeed that I was sending the msg to #, when it should've been #STREAM_NAME. Everything works now.
Posted By: Nick_M Re: Why won't my socket connection work? - 31/07/14 05:55 AM
Would you mind posting the code that you got working? I've been struggling with this the past week or so and haven't been able to solve the problem
Posted By: Nillen Re: Why won't my socket connection work? - 31/07/14 11:11 AM
on *:text:!uptime*:#:{
  set -u10 %target $iif($2,$2,$mid(#,2-))
  set -u10 %channel #

alias uptime {
  sockclose uptime
  sockopen uptime nightdev.com 80

on *:sockopen:uptime:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname | halt }
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /hosted/uptime.php?channel= $+ %target HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.nightdev.com 
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:uptime:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname }
  var %data
  sockread %data
  tokenize 32 %data
  if ($1 isnum) && ($2) { msg %channel %target has been online for $1- }
  elseif (%data == The channel is not live.) msg %channel %target is currently not online.
Untested but should work.
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