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Posted By: soap Storing messages - 06/02/13 03:09 PM
Hi, so I tried making a script that stores a message for a specific person and posts it, when that person talks in the channel.

Usage: !tell nickname message

However, it won't work and I don't know what's wrong. I also made a flood protection for it
If someone could have a look at it and tell me what's wrong I'd appreciate it.

Script: http://pastebin.com/vHVan94F
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Storing messages - 07/02/13 02:56 AM
Some explanation of what doesn't work would help rather than having to read through all of it to try and determine what isn't working. That being said, right at the top, you are using /inc and /dec incorrectly. Those commands are used to increase or decrease a number. You can't use them to add or remove text from a variable. If you want to do that, look into the various token identifiers ($deltok, $instok, $remtok, $addtok, etc.). That may be the only thing you need to fix, depending on what isn't working.
Posted By: soap Re: Storing messages - 07/02/13 12:59 PM
What happens is I enter !tell, but nothing happens. I don't get an error message or anything.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Storing messages - 08/02/13 01:40 AM
If that is all in the same file, only the first on text will trigger when saying !tell. And that one won't do anything unless you type !tell more than once within 4 seconds. In addition, this will not trigger if you say something from the same client that is running the script. It only responds when others type the trigger.
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