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I want to know if there is a script that I can put in remotes where it will be an on text event that if only certain ppl are identified, and they type !thiscommand via pm, that they will be op'd. Is there a script that will allow me to do this? For example, say I was in the room #contest and the users that need op'd have the names 'quiddy' 'alicefo' and 'kerrie_black' If they want opped, they pm me and type '!opme [their nick if needed] ' and then it automatically ops them in #contest. All help is appreciated and tanks in advance!
on opme:text:!opme &:?:{
  if $me isop $2 { mode $2 +o $nick }

Add them to your userlist like so.. /guser -a opme NICK [color:red]3[/color]

3 is mask type (/help $mask), choose one to suit your friends.
eg.. For static IP's/Addresses I tend to use '2' whereas for dynamic addresses it's more likely '3'.

They should use !opme #channel (eg.. !opme #contest)
THAT WORKED PERFECTLY! Thanks so much, but i do have one question about this: is there a way to show that list? How about removing certain masks from the list? Thanks again!
Originally Posted By: johndoe123
THAT WORKED PERFECTLY! Thanks so much, but i do have one question about this: is there a way to show that list? How about removing certain masks from the list? Thanks again!

Heres a method to show that list, since its stored in the remote.ini of mirc or in your remotes in the "USERS" tab. I will read from ini

alias uslist { 
  window @GuserList
  %x = 0
  if ($readini(remote.ini,users,$+(n,%x)) == $null) { halt }
  else { aline 8 @GuserList $readini(remote.ini,users,$+(n,%x)) | inc %x | goto START }

Then in order to remove someone from that list lets say you don't want george to be there no more you type.

SYNTAX:/ruser level nick type
/ruser opme george 3
Here's another way of listing the users using $ulist

alias userlist {
  var %a = 1, %b = $ulist(*,0)
  window @Userlist
  while %a <= %b {
    aline @Userlist $level($ulist(*,%a)) $ulist(*,%a)
    inc %a

Usage: /userlist
removed by marco50
If you change the /guser command to add their nick as 'info' you can use this. You can use it anyway, but if the info is filled with their nick it will be in the first column wink
/guser -a opme [color:blue]NICK 3[/color] NICK
You'll need to update existing entries.. manually or with iuser, or by clearing the opme level (/rlevel -r opme) and re-adding all the entries
alias opmelist {
  var %i = 1
  window -t30 @Opme
  while $ulist(*,opme,%i) {
    aline @Opme $ulist(*,opme,%i).info $chr(9) $v1
    inc %i

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