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Posted By: Blinkenlights Multiple sockets - 15/04/07 09:22 AM
Perhaps I've not dug deep enough, but is there any way to control multiple sockets at once?

For example, sending one command to more than one socket?

Thanks in advance!
Posted By: RusselB Re: Multiple sockets - 15/04/07 09:56 AM
I think the only way to do this, is to duplicate the command(s) being sent for each socket. I admit I have a hard time working with sockets, and even the few scripts that have sockets that I do use, only use one socket.
Posted By: PhantasyX Re: Multiple sockets - 15/04/07 01:54 PM
When creating your sockets you can simple use a prefix.
Example, say you're running 16 sockets, well just prefix each socket with "quickCommand.<socket_name>"

Then when running a script I think you can try /sockwrite -nt quickCommand.* using the wildcard at the end of the prefix. Therefore mIRC will send to all sockets with the prfix quickCommand. in their name.

I think?

I'm not totaly sure but I believe that works. (I havent used sockets for awhile wink
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