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Posted By: iamdegenatron Youtube video lookup script - 11/02/07 03:04 AM
Hi, I managed to make this after a week's worth of insanity (I am a scripting noob)... It matches on *youtube.com/watch* and it looks up the video's title and description, and says it in the channel asked.

The part I'm having trouble with is that, sometimes the title and description is flat out wrong. It either a) returns a previous matches' title/desc b) returns "http" as title and desc (I don't know why) c) returns null for both title and desc

If someone can take a look at this, I would be much obliged ^_^

; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc
; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc
; you need this module: http://www.xise.nl/mirc/url.mrc

on *:text:*youtube.com/watch*:*: { 
  set %titles $remove($regml(1),<h1 id="video_title">,</h1>)
  set %descs $remove($regml(1),				,<span id="vidDescRemain">,<br/>,</span>)
  %url = $*
  %youtubepathurl = $urlparse(%url).path
  if ($sock(111111)) .sockclose 111111
  sockopen 111111 youtube.com 80

  msg $chan %youtubepathurl Title: %titles Description: %descs
  ; unset %titles
  ; unset %descs
  ; unset %url
  ; unset %youtubepathurl
on *:SOCKOPEN:111111: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET %youtubepathurl HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:111111: {
  if ($sockerr) {
    msg %chan Socket Error: $sockname $+ . Error code: $sockerr Please inform $me of this error message.
  else {
    var %sockreader
    sockread %sockreader
    if (*"video_title"* iswm %sockreader ) {
      noop $regex(%sockreader,/<h1 id="video_title">(.*?)</h1>/Si)
    if (*"vidDescRemain"* iswm %sockreader ) {
      noop $regex(%sockreader,/<span id="vidDescRemain">(.*?)</span>/Si)
      sockclose 111111
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 15/02/07 04:17 AM
In case you guys were wondering if I pulled it off or not... I did. I spent days belaboring over this with another friend and here is the product:

It catches on *youtube.com/watch?v=* . It activates a @window to paste results into and writes to a youtube.txt file for future reference in case you close the @window.

The results include the title of the video, the description (be it long or short, and by that i mean the fundamental difference in html on youtube videos for long/short descriptions), and how many stars its got, as well as the original comment that the url was mentioned in, in addition to network basics like : what time/day, what network it came from, what channel, and which nick said it.

You can change the disgusting colors I have (they only apply to my mIRC's look, sorry) in order to accomodate yourself

PLEASE leave your comments and let me know how it is! And if you have any additions to recommend, please let me know!

on *:text:*youtube.com/watch?v=*:*:{
  %rating = 0
  %entry = $1-
  if %tube != on {
    window @YouTube
    set %tube on
    echo @YouTube •›› Info: YouTube window opened $day $+ , $date $+ , $time
  if (http:// isin $1-) %ytpath = / $+ $gettok($gettok($1-,3,47),1,38)
  else %ytpath = / $+ $gettok($gettok($1-,2,47),1,38)
  %ytnick = $nick
  %ytchan = $chan
  sockclose yt
  sockopen yt youtube.com 80

on *:close:@YouTube:{
  set %tube off

on *:sockopen:yt:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $chr(93) YouTube: socket error 
    if (%ytchan) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube ERROR: < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
    if (%ytchan == $null && %ytnick != $null) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube ERROR: < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write yterror.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %ytpath HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: youtube.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:yt: {
  sockread -f %ytread

  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/star.gif" isin %ytread) {
    inc %rating

  if (<title> isin %ytread) %title = $remove(%ytread,	,<title>YouTube - ,</title>)
  if (%found) { unset %found | %desc_be = $remove(%ytread,	) }
  if (<span id="vidDescBegin"> isin %ytread) %found = k
  if (<span id="vidDescRemain"> isin %ytread) %desc_re = $replace($remove(%ytread,	,<span id="vidDescRemain">,</span>),<br/>,$chr(32))
  if (<span class="smallLabel">Category&nbsp;</span> isin %ytread) %done = k

  if (%done) {
    sockclose yt
    unset %done

    if (%ytchan) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube 4-----> 4< $asctime(mm:dd:yyyy-HH:nn:ss) $+ 4>  4< $network %ytchan $+ 4> 4< $+ %ytnick $+ 4>
      echo @YouTube %entry
      echo @YouTube Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
      write youtube.txt .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      write youtube.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network %ytchan $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write youtube.txt Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
    if (%ytchan == $null && %ytnick != $null) {
      echo @YouTube ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      echo @YouTube 4-----> 4< $asctime(mm:dd:yyyy-HH:nn:ss) $+ 4> 4< $network PM $+ 4> 4< $+ %ytnick $+ 4>
      echo @YouTube %entry
      echo @YouTube Title: %title Rating: %rating stars
      write youtube.txt .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      write youtube.txt < $+ $date $+ > < $+ $time $+ > < $+ $network PM $+ > < $+ %ytnick $+ > %entry
      write youtube.txt Title: %title Rating: %rating stars

    if (%desc_re) { 
      echo @YouTube Description: %desc_re
      write youtube.txt Description: %desc_re
    else {
      echo @YouTube Description: %desc_be
      write youtube.txt Description: %desc_be

    unset %entry
    unset %ytpath
    unset %ytnick
    unset %ytchan
    unset %title
    unset %ytread
    unset %desc_be
    unset %desc_re
    unset %rating
  if ($sockbr) goto read
Posted By: Kurdish_Assass1n Re: Youtube video lookup script - 15/02/07 06:19 PM
I haven't tried it yet, but, it seems like it would be nice, I also want to let you know that it would probably be much better if you combine your script with one I found that goes: !tube <keyword> and it gives you the most popular video link. I think it would be nice if you could do something like that instead of just getting a link.
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 16/02/07 12:28 AM
Yes that's a good idea. It shouldn't be too hard, I'll get to it smile
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 17/02/07 06:20 AM
Here's a very crude version of the search feature you requested that can be added into your remotes. Personally I was just looking for a passive youtube url catcher instead of something that actively responds to requests.

Anyhow, it is triggered by !youtube @youtube !tube or @tube. It is based off the script as seen in http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=2197

syntax example : !youtube <search terms>
This will return the most related video to your search terms. If you want the script to return the video with the highest view count (which may or may not be related to your search terms at all), then you can replace the following line
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search HTTP//1.1

with this line
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search $+ &search_sort=video_view_count HTTP//1.1

Anyways, here is the full code smile

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](youtube|tube) */Si:#: { 
  %linenumber = 0
  set %chan.tube $chan
  set %tube.style /msg %chan.tube
  set %tube.search $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)

  if ($2 == $null) { %tube.style Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search HTTP//1.1
  ; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this instead of the line above
  ; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search $+ &search_sort=video_view_count HTTP//1.1

  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  var %temp
  sockread %temp

  if (%searchres == 1) {
    %searchtitle = $remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>,	)
    set %tube.url $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",")

    if (/watch?v= isin %tube.url) {
      %tube.style %searchtitle $+ : http://www.youtube.com $+ %tube.url

      unset %linenumber
      unset %tube.search
      unset %searchtitle
      unset %chan.tube
      unset %tube.style
      unset %searchres      
      unset %tube.url

      sockclose ytsearch
  if ( *start search results* iswm %temp) { set %searchres 0 }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }
  inc %linenumber
Posted By: Kurdish_Assass1n Re: Youtube video lookup script - 17/02/07 03:47 PM
yea, that's what I was looking for, I tried looking on Hawkee, but, i couldn't find it, nice job smile
Posted By: daTerminehtor Re: Youtube video lookup script - 17/02/07 10:24 PM
This looks to be very useful...

However, after pasting/saving a new remote... it isn't loading.
The syntax doesn't even produce an error.

I'm sure then, it's on my end. :P


mirc 6.21
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 18/02/07 03:48 PM
Hmm, yeah. I did say it was a crude version (Meaning I didn't test it for searches that have no search results... whoops. stupid me)

try this instead:

; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms.
; example: !tube charleston daft punk

; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query=
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search HTTP//1.1
; you'd put either one of those on line 32 of this script
; that line number may be different when this script is put into a bigger script
; so the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](youtube|tube) */Si:#: { 
  %linenumber = 0
  set %chan.tube $chan
  set %tube.style /msg %chan.tube
  set %tube.search $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)

  if ($2 == $null) { %tube.style Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search HTTP//1.1
  ; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this instead of the line above
  ; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search $+ &search_sort=video_view_count HTTP//1.1

  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  var %temp
  sockread %temp

  if (%searchres == 1) {
    %searchtitle = $remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>,	)
    set %tube.url $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",")

    if (/watch?v= isin %tube.url) {
      %tube.style %searchtitle $+ : http://www.youtube.com $+ %tube.url

      unset %linenumber
      unset %tube.search
      unset %searchtitle
      unset %chan.tube
      unset %tube.style
      unset %searchres      
      unset %tube.url

      sockclose ytsearch
  if ( *start search results* iswm %temp) { set %searchres 0 }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }
  if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) {
    %tube.style No videos found for %tube.search
    unset %linenumber
    unset %tube.search
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %chan.tube
    unset %tube.style
    unset %searchres      
    unset %tube.url
    sockclose ytsearch
  inc %linenumber

Posted By: daTerminehtor Re: Youtube video lookup script - 18/02/07 04:08 PM
Sorry, nope.
Not even an error, nothing. frown

Thanks for trying though.
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 18/02/07 10:43 PM
I added an alias for your personal use so it triggers with /yt for you, and it triggers with !yt @yt !youtube @youtube !tube @tube for others

I'm having trouble with retrieving descriptions of the video, so if you see anything unusual, let me know.

; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms

; usage for you
; trigger: /yt
; syntax: /yt <search terms>
; example: /yt charleston daft punk

; usage for other people
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms>
; example: !tube charleston daft punk

; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query=
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %tube.search HTTP//1.1
; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{

alias yt {
  %channel = $chan
  if (%channel) { %saystyle = echo -t %channel }
  else { %saystyle = echo -at }

  %searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+)
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube|tube) */Si:#: { 
  %channel = $chan
  %saystyle = /msg %channel

  %searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
  if ($2 == $null) { %saystyle Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  ;  sockread -f %temp
  ;  sockread -n %temp
  sockread -n %temp

  ; replace all <br/> with a space
  if (%founddesc_be) { unset %founddesc_be | %desc_be = $remove(%temp,	) }
  if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) %founddesc_be = k
  if (/watch?v= isin %temp) { %resulturl = $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",") }
  if (%foundtitle) { inc %titlecounter }
  if (%titlecounter = 1) { %searchtitle = $remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>,	) }
  if (<div class="vtitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 }
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/star_sm.gif" isin %temp) { %done = k }

  ;  if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) { %founddesc_re = k | %desccounter = 0 }
  ;  if (%founddesc_re) { inc %desccounter }
  ;  if (%%desccounter = 4) { %searchtitle = %desc_re = $remove(%temp,	) }

  ; %desc_re = $remove(%temp,	) 

  if (%done) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    unset %done

    ;    %saystyle .........................................
    %saystyle Link: http://www.youtube.com $+ %resulturl
    %saystyle Title: %searchtitle
    %saystyle Description: %desc_be
    ;    %saystyle desc_re: %desc_re
    ;    %saystyle the result %searchtitle $+ : http://www.youtube.com $+ %resulturl

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    %saystyle No videos found for %searchstring

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*start search results* iswm %temp) { %searchres = 0 }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }

Posted By: daTerminehtor Re: Youtube video lookup script - 19/02/07 03:23 AM
Got it... and with the description... WELL DONE! wink
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 22/02/07 11:48 PM
You may have noticed the search isnot working properly anymore. This is because Youtube recently underwent some changes. Of the the change that matters, they replaced the image they use for ratings. This image is a big signal for my script to stop and then to print search results.

so now ive merely updated what the image is to now and it works the same way

heres what you do to make it work:

delete this line
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/star_sm.gif" isin %temp) { %done = k }

and put this one in its place:
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_19x20 isin %temp) { %done = k }
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Youtube video lookup script - 22/02/07 11:56 PM
Lol. I hate when websites do that. I had to fix my weather script numerous times for that reason. Thankfully, I tend to catch it quickly and can get a new version out before people start complaining (and most of my released scripts have the ability to check for updates right from the script).
Posted By: daTerminehtor Re: Youtube video lookup script - 23/02/07 03:37 AM
Replaced that line and still no-go.
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 25/02/07 09:15 PM
not sure why its not working for you... but heres my code as of now:

; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms

; usage for you
; trigger: /yt
; syntax: /yt <search terms>
; example: /yt charleston daft punk

; usage for other people
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms>
; example: !tube charleston daft punk

; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_sort=video_view_count&search_query= $+ %searchstring
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{

alias yt {
  %channel = $chan
  if (%channel) { %saystyle = echo -t %channel }
  else { %saystyle = echo -at }

  %searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+)
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube|tube) */Si:#: { 
  %channel = $chan
  %saystyle = /msg %channel

  %searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
  if ($2 == $null) { %saystyle Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  sockread -n %temp

  if (%founddesc_be) { unset %founddesc_be | %desc_be = $replace($remove(%temp,	),<br/>,$chr(32)) }
  if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) %founddesc_be = k
  if (/watch?v= isin %temp) { %resulturl = $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",") }
  if (%foundtitle) { inc %titlecounter }
  if (%titlecounter = 1) { %searchtitle = $replace($remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>,	),&quot;,$chr(34)) }
  if (<div class="vtitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 }
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_19x20 isin %temp) { %done = k }

  if (%done) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    unset %done

    %saystyle Link: http://www.youtube.com $+ %resulturl
    %saystyle Title: %searchtitle
    %saystyle Description: %desc_be

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    %saystyle No videos found for %searchstring

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*start search results* iswm %temp) { %searchres = 0 }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }
Posted By: daTerminehtor Re: Youtube video lookup script - 25/02/07 09:36 PM
Got it, thanks. :p
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 25/02/07 10:08 PM
If you're interested in my other Youtube script, its at http://www.hawkee.com/snippet.php?snippet_id=2417

It basically logs up any youtube video urls into a @window, making entries for each video by including its details from the youtube site. Details such as its given title, description, rating, number of ratings, number of comments, times favorited. These all make for a great way to sift through youtube videos and see which ones are decent enough to look at without actually opening up yout browser smile
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 27/04/07 01:16 PM
minor changes have been made in youtube's site, so here is an update

; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms

; usage for you
; trigger: /yt
; syntax: /yt <search terms>
; example: /yt charleston daft punk

; usage for other people
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms>
; example: !tube charleston daft punk

; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_sort=video_view_count&search_query= $+ %searchstring
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{

alias yt {
  %channel = $chan
  if (%channel) { %saystyle = echo -t %channel }
  else { %saystyle = echo -at }

  %searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+)
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube) */Si:#: { 
  %channel = $chan
  %saystyle = /msg %channel

  %searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
  if ($2 == $null) { %saystyle Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  sockread -n %temp

  if (%founddesc_be) { unset %founddesc_be | %desc_be = $replace($remove(%temp,	),<br/>,$chr(32)) }
  if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) %founddesc_be = k
  if (/watch?v= isin %temp) { %resulturl = $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",") }
  if (%foundtitle) { inc %titlecounter }
  if (%titlecounter = 1) { %searchtitle = $replace($remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<b>,</b>,<br/>,	),&quot;,$chr(34)) }
  ;  if (<div class="vtitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 }
  if (<div class="vSnippetTitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 }
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_19x20 isin %temp) { %done = k }

  if (%done) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    unset %done

    %saystyle Link: http://www.youtube.com $+ %resulturl
    %saystyle Title: %searchtitle
    %saystyle Description: %desc_be

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    %saystyle No videos found for %searchstring

    unset %searchstring
    unset %channel
    unset %saystyle
    unset %searchres
    unset %searchtitle
    unset %resulturl
    unset %desc_be
    unset %titlecounter
    unset %temp
    unset %foundtitle


  if (*start search results* iswm %temp) { %searchres = 0 }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 23/06/07 01:57 AM
they keep changing things on youtube! so here is another update

; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms

; usage for you
; trigger: /yt
; syntax: /yt <search terms>
; example: /yt charleston daft punk

; usage for other people
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms>
; example: !tube charleston daft punk

; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_sort=video_view_count&search_query= $+ %yt.searchstring
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %yt.searchstring HTTP//1.1
; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{

alias yt {
  %yt.channel = $chan
  if (%yt.channel) { %yt.saystyle = echo -t %yt.channel }
  else { %yt.saystyle = echo -at }

  %yt.searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+)
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube) */Si:#: { 
  %yt.channel = $chan
  %yt.saystyle = /msg %yt.channel

  %yt.searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
  if ($2 == $null) { %yt.saystyle Search could not be completed | halt }
  sockclose ytsearch
  sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80

on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %yt.searchstring HTTP//1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf 

on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
  sockread -n %yt.temp

  if (%yt.founddesc_be) { unset %yt.founddesc_be | %yt.desc_be = $replace($replace($remove(%yt.temp,<b>,</b>,	),<br/>,$chr(32)),&quot;,$chr(34)) }
  if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %yt.temp) %yt.founddesc_be = k

  ;  if (/watch?v= isin %yt.temp) { %yt.resulturl = $remove($gettok(%yt.temp,2,32),href=",") }
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %yt.temp) { %yt.resulturl = $remove($gettok(%yt.temp,2,32),href=",") }

  if (%yt.foundtitle) { inc %yt.titlecounter }
  if (%yt.titlecounter = 1) { %yt.searchtitle = $replace($remove($regsubex(%yt.temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<b>,</b>,<br/>,	),&quot;,$chr(34)) }
  if (<div class="vSnippetTitle"> isin %yt.temp) { %yt.foundtitle = k | %yt.titlecounter = 0 }
  if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_11x11 isin %yt.temp) { %yt.done = k }

  if (%yt.done) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    unset %yt.done

    %yt.saystyle Link: http://www.youtube.com $+ %yt.resulturl
    %yt.saystyle Title: %yt.searchtitle
    %yt.saystyle Description: %yt.desc_be

    unset %yt.*

  if (*No Videos found* iswm %yt.temp) {
    sockclose ytsearch
    %yt.saystyle No videos found for %yt.searchstring

    unset %yt.*

  if (*start search results* iswm %yt.temp) { %yt.searchres = 0  }  
  if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %yt.temp) { inc %yt.searchres }
Posted By: NaquadaServ Re: Youtube video lookup script - 23/06/07 04:33 AM
I'm sorry, why are you doing this? Can't we just search from the web page... wink
Posted By: iamdegenatron Re: Youtube video lookup script - 24/06/07 07:41 AM
Yeah, I guess. But this also lets you do it from within mIRC, and if you can set up a bot that responds to a !youtube trigger or similar to those other bots that can show you google results on IRC. Why do they have those, too? I don't know, people are lazy to open up their browsers.
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