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Posted By: MercuryD Loading scripts from a remote location? - 10/08/06 09:24 AM
Would it be possible to have something that loads script files from a folder on the web? A friend has offered me a position as the "bot script guy" for his channel, and his connection is a lot more stable than mine, so the actual bot is planned to be on his computer. He's offered to make an FTP space on his website that I could load scripts to, but we were wondering if it would be possible to rig something up so that when the bot started up (Or when given a command, for when I updated things while it was running), it would either download or just read all the scripts from that folder on the web, and load the scripts.

My other idea (Since his DCC is busted) was to make a switch command that would create a sort of logging script. Something along the lines of:
on 1:TEXT:*:?: {
if ($1 == !StartScriptLogging) {
set %ScriptName $2
set %LoggingScript on
elseif ($1 == !StopLoggingScript) { set %LoggingScript off }
elseif ($1 == !LoadScript) { load $2 }
elseif ($1 == !UnloadScript) { unload $2 }
elseif (%LoggingScript = on) { write scripts/ $+ %ScriptName $+ .mrc $1- }
else { }

Apologies if there's errors in that, it was just something I typed up on the fly as an example.
Posted By: Rand Re: Loading scripts from a remote location? - 10/08/06 09:45 AM
You can't run a script from a website, unless the bot is on the host machine. (Meaning, if the machine hosting the website is the same machine that is hosting the bot, then yes, the bot could just find and load the upload script via an on text command or what have you.)

If the website is on a different machine, then it gets more complicated. You could write a script that does something like: !get http://something.com/somefile.mrc, and have the bot download that file via sockets, and then load the file. But that's a little more complicated than it's worth, imo.

Of course, seeing as this is a pretty commonly requested thing, you could just download a premade one that works wonders. Such as FiberOPtics $download() script, which can be found here

Then, all you would have to do is:

on *:text:!getscript & &:#:{ .signal getscript $2 $3 }
on *:signal:getscript:{
  if ($download($2, GET, $3, 2)) { load -rs $2 }

!getscript somename.mrc http://yadayada.com/somename.mrc

Of course, you would need some sort of "protection" for the "on text" event, as you don't want just anyone to be able to !getscript.

Also, you might need someone to actually accept that the script is to be loaded. heh.
the logging script sounds good you could compliment that with your own /play command. What if he disconnects mid-log though.
The other way using sockets would be better perhaps, since he wouldn't need to be connected to the network after the trigger.

You'd need him to load a script to handle either way of course.

nice link to that, think i'll have many uses for the $download script.

Posted By: Doqnach Re: Loading scripts from a remote location? - 10/08/06 06:03 PM
do remember to have mIRC reload the script if you edit it and have it downloaded again ;-]
it doesn't reload it on changes by itself
I suffered from something called boredom, and decided to take a stab at this. Works fairly well, but could probably use some improvements and such. Here's what I came up with:

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Remotely Manage mIRC Files
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; rm.site
; The host URL to be retrieving script files from
alias -l rm.host { return www.changeme.com }

; rm.path
; Path on said site to retrieve script files from
alias -l rm.path { return /change/me/ }

; rm.hash
; Hash table name (used to maintain file updates)
alias -l rm.hash { return rmlist }

; rm.hfile
; Hash file store path
alias -l rm.hfile { return system\hash\rmlist.hsh }

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Menu System
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

menu nicklist {
  Remote mIRC
  .$iif($ulist($$1,admin),Remove,Add) User: {
    if ($ulist($$1,admin)) .ruser admin $$1
    else /auser -a admin $$1

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Hash Table System
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias -l rm.save {
  if ($hget($rm.hash)) {
    var %t = 1, %dir = $nofile($rm.hfile), %tok = $iif($pos(%dir,/),47,92), %n = $numtok(%dir,%tok)
    while (%t < %n) {
      var %path = $gettok(%dir,$iif(%t == 1,%t,$+(1-,%t)),%tok), %t = %t + 1
      if (!$isdir(%path)) /mkdir %path
    /hsave $rm.hash $rm.hfile

on *:START: {
  var %dir_list = system\hash system\backup system\scripts, %d = 1
  while ($gettok(%dir_list,%d,32)) {
    var %t = 1, %dir = $v1, %n = $numtok(%dir,92), %d = %d + 1
    while (%t < %n) {
      var %path = $gettok(%dir,$iif(%t == 1,%t,$+(1-,%t)),92), %t = %t + 1
      if (!$isdir(%path)) /mkdir %path

  if (!$hget($rm.hash)) /hmake $rm.hash 10
  if ($isFile($rm.hfile)) /hload $rm.hash $rm.hfile

on *:EXIT: {

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sockets
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias -l rm.cmd {
  if ($1 == echo) return /echo -s *
  return /msg $1

alias -l rm.chk_update {
  var %cmd = $rm.cmd($1), %file = $replace($2-,$chr(32),$+(%,20)), %lupdate = $hget($rm.hash,%file)

  if (%lupdate) {
    /sockopen rm.update $rm.host 80
    /sockmark rm.update CHKUPDATE $1 %file
    [ %cmd ] Checking for update of %file $+ ...
  else [ %cmd ] Could not update file: Previous record not found.

alias -l rm.update {
  var %cmd = $rm.cmd($1), %file = $replace($2-,$chr(32),$+(%,20)), %lupdate = $hget($rm.hash,%file)

  /sockopen rm.update $rm.host 80
  /sockmark rm.update UPDATE $1 %file
  [ %cmd ] Downloading update of %file $+ ...

on *:SOCKOPEN:rm.update: {
  var %sock = $sockname, %mark = $sock(%sock).mark
  var %what = $gettok(%mark,1,32), %cmd = $rm.cmd($gettok(%mark,2,32)), %file = $gettok(%mark,3-,32)

  /set %rm.update.header 1

  if ($right($rm.path,1) == /) var %gfile = $rm.path $+ %file
  else var %gfile = $rm.path $+ / $+ %file

  if ($sockerr) [ %cmd ] Could not check for update: $sock(%sock).wsmsg
  else if (%what == CHKUPDATE) {
    /sockwrite -n %sock HEAD %gfile HTTP/1.0
    /sockwrite -n %sock Host: $rm.host
    /sockwrite -n %sock User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (mIRC Remote)
    /sockwrite -n %sock Accept: */*
    /sockwrite -n %sock If-Modified-Since: $hget($rm.hash,%file)
    /sockwrite -n %sock $crlf
  else if (%what == UPDATE) {
    /sockwrite -n %sock GET %gfile HTTP/1.0
    /sockwrite -n %sock Host: $rm.host
    /sockwrite -n %sock User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (mIRC Remote)
    /sockwrite -n %sock Accept: */*
    /sockwrite -n %sock $crlf
  else {
    [ %cmd ] Unknown action %what
    /sockclose %sock

on *:SOCKREAD:rm.update: {
  var %sock = $sockname, %mark = $sock(%sock).mark, %read
  var %what = $gettok(%mark,1,32), %cmd = $rm.cmd($gettok(%mark,2,32)), %file = $gettok(%mark,3-,32)

  if (%rm.update.header) {
    /sockread %read
    if ($len(%read) == 0) {
      /unset %rm.update.header
  else {
    /sockread &data

  if (%rm.update.header) {
    var %reg_http = /HTTP[\/0-9\.]+ ([0-9]+) .*/i
    var %reg_lmod = /Last-Modified: (.*)/i
    if (%what == CHKUPDATE) {
      if ($regex(%read,%reg_http)) {
        var %code = $regml(1)
        if (%code == 304) [ %cmd ] %file has not been updated
        else if (%code == 200) /set %rm.update.modified 1
        else if (%code == 404) [ %cmd ] File could not be found. Check the file name, and try again.
      else if (($regex(%read,%reg_lmod)) && (%rm.update.modified)) {
        var %date = $gettok(%read,2-,32)
        [ %cmd ] %file was last modified %date $+ .
        /unset %rm.update.modified
    else if (%what == UPDATE) {
      if ($regex(%read,%reg_http)) {
        var %code = $regml(1)
        if (%code == 200) {
          /set %rm.update.download 1
          [ %cmd ] Found %file $+ , downloading...
        else if (%code == 404) [ %cmd ] File could not be found. Check the file name, and try again.
      else if ($regex(%read,%reg_lmod)) {
        var %date = $regml(1)
        if (!$hget($rm.hash,%file)) /set %rm.upload.newfile 1
        /hadd $rm.hash %file %date
    else if ($regex(%read,%reg_http)) {
      var %code = $regml(1)
      if (%code == 400) [ %cmd ] Could not retrieve file: bad request
      else [ %cmd ] Unknown error: %read
  else if (%rm.update.modified || %rm.update.download) {
    var %savefile = $replace(%file,$+(%,20),$chr(32))
    /echo -s /bwrite $+(",%savefile,") -1 -1 &data
    /bwrite $+(",%savefile,") -1 -1 &data
    /set %rm.update.file %savefile

on *:SOCKCLOSE:rm.update: {
  var %sock = $sockname, %mark = $sock(%sock).mark
  var %what = $gettok(%mark,1,32), %cmd = $rm.cmd($gettok(%mark,2,32)), %file = $gettok(%mark,3-,32)

  /echo -s %mark
  /echo -s % $+ rm.* vars: $var(%rm.*,0)

  if ((%what == UPDATE) && (%rm.update.file)) {
    [ %cmd ] Download complete. Loading script...

    var %savefile = %rm.update.file
    if ($isFile($+("system\scripts\,%savefile,"))) .copy -o $+("system\scripts\,%savefile,") $+("system\backup\,%savefile,")

    .copy -o $+(",%savefile,") $+("system\scripts\,%savefile,")
    .remove $+(",%savefile,")

    if ($script($+("system\scripts\,%savefile,"))) /reload -rs $+("system\scripts\,%savefile,")
    else /load -rs $+("system\scripts\,%savefile,")

    if (*Loaded* !isin $line(Status Window,$calc($line(Status Window,0) - 1))) {
      [ %cmd ] Error loading %file $+ : $line(Status Window,$calc($line(Status Window,0) - 1))
    else [ %cmd ] %file loaded successfully.

    /unset %rm.update.*

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BOT Commands
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

on admin:TEXT:!*:#,?: {
  var %target = $iif($target == $me,$nick,$chan)

  ; !download <file>
  ; Downloads the specified file from a web server (provided), then loads the
  ; file.
  if ($1 == !download) {
    if ($2) {
      var %file = $2-
      /msg %target Downloading $+(,%file,...)
      /rm.update %target %file
    else /msg %target Insufficient parameters: !download <file>

  ; !update <file>
  ; Checks for an update of the file on the specified web server.
  else if ($1 == !update) {
    if ($2) {
      var %file = $2-
      /msg %target Checking $+(,%file,) for update...
      /rm.chk_update %target %file
    else /msg %target Insufficient parameters: !update <file>

  ; !unload <file>
  ; Unloads the script file
  else if ($1 == !unload) {
    if ($2) {
      var %file = $2-
      if ($script(%file)) {
        /unload -rs %file
        /msg %target %file has been unloaded.
      else /msg %target %file is not loaded.
    else /msg %target Insufficient parameters: !unload <file>

Basically, use !download <file> to download and load your new file, !update <file> to check for a file update, and !unload <file> to unload your file. Again, primitive. I wrote this on 6.2, so not sure what I used that may be unavailable as of earlier versions. The only thing I can think of off-hand would be $v1, which is a few versions old.

I've tested this off my server, worked great. Just realize it's simple, and gets the job done. It's meant for you to upload your file to a web server, then point to it and refer to the files using the commands. I used my site with a sub folder (example: kingtomato.org/scripts/myscript.mrc--means rm.host is www.kingtomato.org, rm.path is /scripts/, and I would use !download myscript.mrc)
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